WHO is the Invisible Enemy? 看不見的敵人是誰? CCP?
TRUMP Vs CCP VIRUS: First Round-Goes to Trump! 川普對陣中共病毒,第一回合: 川普勝!
Strong Mind=Strong Body! TRUMP! 強大的心靈,強壯的身體!川普👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇…
CIA AND FBI Directors should both be fired. They failed to protect the nation on China CCP. I would have done a 10 Times better Job! CIA和FBI局長兩人都應該被炒魷魚。他們在中共問題上辜負了國家。 我會比他們做的好十倍!
COMMANDER Says Destroy CCP! 司令說,摧毀中共!
CCP VIRUS! 🇨🇳 中共病毒!
OBAMAGATE! 🇨🇳 奧巴馬門!
Pres. TRUMP "CCP Pay Big Price! 川普總統說,中共將付出沉重代價!…
INVISIBLE ENEMY! 不見的敵人! 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 🥀 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 CCPVIRUS!
Pres. Trump wants all Nations to hold China CCP accountable for their crimes against humanity. Must Receive World Justice! 川普總統希望所有國家就中共的反人類罪追責. 必須接受全世界的正義審判!
REDEMPTION, EXPOSE-ELIMINATE CCP-Wish for a Great Future of Enlightenment & Awakening for All! 懺悔救贖,曝光並消滅中共 並願所有人都擁有覺悟、覺醒的偉大未來!
Prevent the World from going to Hell. Vote Trump! 防止世界走向地獄. 投票川普!
U.S and Free World Must Win Global AI 5G race against China CCP! 美國和自由世界必須在與中共的全球AI 5G競賽中獲勝! @KSAmofaEN @PrimeministerGR @trpresidency @GiuseppeConteIT…
CCP VIRUS GATE: 中共病毒門! New Documentary-RETWEET SHARE! 最新紀錄片,請轉推分享…
Official:China CCP blocked Cyrus Sex Tape Offer. CCP don't respect China, Chinese people or Pres Xi. Rather, Criminals loyal to DEATH CAMP Dictator Jiang Zemin & Families! 官方:中共拉黑塞瑞斯拒絕性錄像帶罪證.中共並不尊重中國、中國人和習主席,罪犯們效忠建立死亡營的獨裁者江澤民家族
Report 2019: China CCP planned Invisible Bioweapon to kill Trump, Family-Key Generals! 2019年報告:中共研發隱形生物武器幹掉川普一家及其大將 @POTUS @ChiefNGB @KremlinRussia_E @FBIWFO @EpochTimes @ArmyChiefStaff @SpaceForceCSO @nypost @MGTracyNorris…
DON'T PLAY WITH LION'S TAIL! Protect Taiwan-Learn from SHAH! 不要玩弄獅子的尾巴, 保護台灣,借鑒沙阿! @realDonaldTrump @PahlaviReza @iingwen @ShahbanouFarah @AP @wolfblitzer @ChrisRuddyNMX @jaketapper @AmbassadorRice @moonriver365 @konotaromp @ChrisCuomo @bbclysedoucet
The HATE between Conservatives and Liberals can destroy millions of lives globally. Chaos, famine, plague, civil wars, and worse- Replace hate with Benevolence! 保守派和自由派之間的仇恨可能奪去全球數百萬人的生命。混亂,飢荒,瘟疫,內戰以至更糟。用慈悲代替仇恨!
MAKE HUMANITY GOOD! THIS WAY, a Global Disaster can be overcome through HARMONY! 讓人類變好! 這樣,全球災難可以通過和睦來克服!