China CCP creating Cybernetically enhanced Soldiers to Kill with A.I.
The regime is ruthless: Butchering People for organs in slave camps! Interview aired Aug, 2020
Yes. Too many low IQ people in White House prevented Trump to bring me on board. Instead, they thought they could use my ideas and Plagarized like Communists! They are not on Trumps side, or the nation and are utterly selfish! twitter.com/libbyvalley5/s…
China CCP steals the personal biometric data of over 6 billion human beings worldwide for their AI based military programs!
Public Report, 2-16-2020
Any Citizen, mayor, congressman senator, gov. employee, media outlet-personal, electoral chair persons obstructing or hindering Election Fraud investigation can be sued to include 70 million voters, and sued by"We the People" individually in millions of lawsuits filed separately!
China CCP has no Ethics: RAPES Experiments on people, Mixing Humans and Animals with A.I.
Interview Conducted on 3-30-20
"CCP planned to hurt U.S President, his family and world's people to dominate humanity with AI Technology"
Cyrus, The AI Organization
Premiered 8-3-2020, on Dropping Bombs @TheRealBradLea
Loyalty is what binds us! 忠誠!
Who is responsible for the CCP Virus? China, their people or CCP?
The Chinese Communist Party!
China CCP stole this Robot Tech for military, police, AI global Domination of nations on BRI 5G!
Video Credit: Boston Dynamics
Who Stole Technology? CCP
Who Allow CCP Steal?ObamaBiden
Who Discover Theft? Cyrus/AI Org
Who Report Cyrus Findings?
AI means LOVE in Chinese. AI Org!
The President of the United States @realDonaldTrump got hit with a Bioweapon/Virus right before the election!
War Powers Act and Election Interference by CCP!
The President has the right to:
War Powers Act
Election Fraud Investigations
Indictment of Obama-Biden!
Insurrection Act!
Call All Forces Afforded to him in Constitution to Protect the United States!
Liberals-Conservatives must get along & Truly look at Election Evidence!
"China CCP 5G Master AI Plan is a threat to the Worlds People on 3 major levels from the ground to the sky" Cyrus A. Parsa, Dec 16, 2020!
Interview by @OSSRobertSteele
2019 Cyrus Predictions, Disclosures that came True in 2020!
1. CCP Virus
2. Lockdown
3. Attempted Great Reset
4. Trump-associates hit with CCP Virus
5. Biden and Others Sex Tapes
6. AI/5G/UFO,Millions Spies
1000s of others disclosures
Rate of Accuracy=100%
Happy New Year!
GLOBAL CENTER for Quitting CCP interviewed Cyrus to Disclose:
CCP Master Plan to enslave world with their A.I. Military Agenda!
Lin Wood @LLinWood didn't realize I am the one who released the Sex Pedo connection with Supreme Judge Roberts weeks ago!
BUT, If Lin is right about Pence, May be the injection made Pence confused to support Biden? Are there any side affects to the shot he took in the arm?
Judge Roberts and more Lin Wood doesn't know! Release All!
Trump has the Tapes! twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
Welcome to 2021. My advise.
Get 4 months of Water, food supplies, batteries and gas just in case something goes wrong with the election debates!
I have 6 months supply, plus lots of offensive protection!
Stay Cool, love your neighbors, and strangers, just don't Trust anyone!😉
Pres. Donald J. Trump has access to many sex tapes of high profile people conservatives and liberals!
How did I know and Expose Bidens on July 18, 2020 to the world?
Its Huge and with under age girls!
It is Rape!
Aug 11, 2020 Interview!
Hunter Biden, Clinton, Roberts, Disney, CNN Journalists, New York Times Journalists and Much Much More on Tape! A lot! Under 15 years old!
Nancy Pelosi led politically motivated impeachment Hunts on Trump, preventing the administration to focus on my China virus-bioweapon warnings.
As a President, how can you accurately prevent a Pandemic when half of Congress is attacking you?
Is Pelosi liable for Covid deaths?
.@VP Mike Pence will reveal-investigate evidence to allegations of election fraud
The Constitution will be under question otherwise, leading to potential civil war if Biden is let in from "Dead Voters/Fraud"
Let's see evidence of Dead voters as all the Dead Must be Arrested!
Treason "China CCP plans to enslave worlds people with AI" says Founder of The AI Organization!
中共圖謀以AI奴役世界 - 專訪AI組織創始人!
Fang Fang So True! Not just Swalwell, Hunter, Roberts, Clinton, but Pelosi Son and More! twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
FBI has lots of files, as does CIA!
On a lot of Politicians paying for sex or getting sex for influence!
Trump has some he has access to! twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
China CCP wants to enslave the worlds people with their 5G-6G grid systems on BRI powered by AI
Really Important to Share!