220505 cubeme IG update with Hoshi Seungkwan Wonwoo 📎instagram.com/p/CdJ82jmqoBf/… #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #FacetheSun @pledis_17
[Thread] 220505 Seventeen D.fes.ta pics #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #FacetheSun @pledis_17
hao talked about the continuous live recently, especially yesterday, and had to reserve a slot today >.< he's also considerate to carats. getting worried that they might be taking too much of our time🥺
sorry >.<
Mingyu video-call with Seungkwan #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
clumsy gyu strikes again😭
220506 ho5hi_kwon IG update #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
220506 vernon_98 IG story update @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #버논 #FacetheSun
I see you, you see me I care for you, you care for me We can be all we need Promise, I won't take you for granted never🎶 📎youtu.be/WYxTMxzgKQk @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #FacetheSun
220507 dk_is_dokyeom IG update @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #도겸