hyunsuk saying he almost cried seeing teumes, i can't imagine how he will feel when their finally able to meet fans in real life. that boy has a heart of gold, and is so appreciative of every single thing. very happy seeing him do what he loves to do most alongside fans today 😊
looking at clips and hyunsuk made sure to look at every. single. teume plastered on the big screen. his eyes were traveling everywhere while smiling and twinkling. he literally stared at every single fan shown in awe, T_T
five songs registered on komca, five A classifications (lyrics), one C classification (composition), very happy and proud of him, and the entirety of hyunhayo ♡ @treasuremembers
a baby who loves decorating his photos, he's the cutest 😭 @treasuremembers
the little side smile, necklace, and the fire on top of his head he's literally his little character T_T @treasuremembers
favorite soccer/fifa lover ♡⚽️ @treasuremembers
his go-to mirror selfies are the cutest T_T @treasuremembers
hyunsuk polaroid from the ygselect event ♡ cr. xxkyu00
this looks familiar 😆 hyunsuk forever covering asahi #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
cutie hurt himself sitting in that position hh he's so funny #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
his little excited jump is the cutest thing i can't get over it T_T @treasuremembers
hyunsuk who almost KOs every-time he has to act cute 😆♡ @treasuremembers
his baby giggles are my favorite T_T @treasuremembers
all of his collections are so endearing ah his hats, his albums from artists he loves and said he gets inspirations from, shoes, necklaces/keychains. i hope he can give us a new room tour soon, he's the coolest 💛!!!
op was curious as to what scent of jo malone perfume hyunsuk used after seeing it before in his room during a teumap ep, but since hyunsuk wasn't sure he said he would make sure to post a twitter ment in the future. in his post today he showed the two bottles in the back 😊 t.co/1q78FL6VrJ
is that lightning in the back? ahaa cutest ⚡️ @treasuremembers
since a new era is coming i wanted to re-link the hyunsuk master archive 😊 the google drive will aways be continuously updated master: drive.google.com/drive/folders/… treasure: drive.google.com/drive/folders/… #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers