
Master❤️ 玉藻の前 #NariTamamoCloset #Narisocos
私の嫁と私🦊 If no one be your wife, you can be your own wife✨ #NariTamamoCloset #Narisocos
タマモメイードです🦊❤️ #NariTamamoCloset #Narisocos
We reached 3k followers thank you so much guys🦊❤️❤️❤️ I’ve been too busy recently💦 But I can promise more Tamamo constructions are on their way! Hope everything goes well❤️ #NariTamamoCloset #Narisocos
Morning Mikon🦊❤️ I’m heading home today! It’s really a satisfying journey to Dali, looking forward to see our pre-wedding photos. Nari’s Tamamo construction should be restarted soon✨ Waiting for some new costumes👀 #NariTamamoCloset #Narisocos
Officer Tamamo passed her road test😎 Close one but I nailed it! Thank you for all the cheering given before🥺Love you guys❤️✨ And the day I drive my Tamamo car is getting closer! Can’t wait to do a Tammy cosplay with it✨ #NariTamamoCloset #Narisocos
FATE/EXTRA CCC10周年おめでとうございます🎊🎉🎊🎉❤️ #NariTamamoCloset #Narisocos
Real booba & fake booba I DO HAVE REAL BOOBS DUDE Not only guys using fake ones🤣🤣🤣 Considering to go to an event so real ones would be more comfy✨👀
2023.01.07~2023.03.11 The first 6 Tamamo pic in 2023 Annual plan 40%🦊 Still long way to go! #Narisocos #NariTamamoCloset #玉藻の前
Part of my finished outfits in Tamamo Closet since I officially started the Tamamo construction 😳💦 Never believe pink and deep blue suit this well before🦊💙 Really wanna know how much more would it be in the end of 2023! #NariTamamoCloset
Morning Mikon🦊❤️✨ I’m pretty sure it’s the feeling from heaven when I don’t need to get up for work! I got myself a fluffy bed set and I’d really love to stay on it for the whole winter #Narisocos #NariTamamoCloset
こんこんさんです🦊 #Narisocos #NariTamamoCloset
眠い_(-ω-`_)💤 Time for some Tamamo to awaken me🦊 #Narisocos #NariTamamoCloset
I’m super hard-working !!!!! Oh dear I have the most perfect Tamamo costume in the world😭😭😭 It’s exactly like what Wada-sensei drew🥺I’m in love for sure❤️❤️❤️ #Narisocos #NariTamamoCloset
Master, please sleep on my thighs and have a nice dream🦊💕 I always want to try this on my own sadly I can’t sleep on my own thighs 🌞 #NariTamamoCloset
#いいニーハイの日 ああああああ遅刻だ!!!! #NariTamamoCloset
大和撫子の玉藻ちやん🦊❤️ Tamamo Closet➕1⃣️ There are still several improvements need to be done and fix on the costume🥺 I can't wear the whole set alone so I’m gonna take the other try next time! #コスプレ #玉藻の前 #FGO