
190923 weibo update I wanna thank to every friend support us Every footprint we stepped all together was definitely not easy We shall work harder later on Thanks a lot🙏 ​​​ #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #ディエイト #ミンハオ @pledis_17 #세븐틴_초동70만장_축하해
190913 SEVENTEEN_OFFICIAL weibo update Happy Mid-Autumn festival and all the best! #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #徐明浩 #ディエイト #ミンハオ @pledis_17
190903 瑞丽服饰美容 weibo update Happy 24th birthday to 瑞丽服饰美容 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #徐明浩 #ディエイト #ミンハオ @pledis_17
An unknown person shot The8 in the EYE with a GREEN LASER POINTER in the concert.Pls @pledis_17 take this matter as a warning,strengthen the security work.Pls join us in resisting that behaviours&report to the security guard. #pledis please protect minghao #세븐틴 #디에잇 #서명호
190825 weibo update Things that wear you down stop it, look up at the sky don't let a beautiful moment disappear if you feel tired then stop have a rest and start again #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #徐明浩 #ディエイト #ミンハオ @pledis_17
2019 SVT ODE TO YOU WORLD TOUR IN SEOUL 100킬로 꽃바구니 응원 기간 : 8월30일~9월1일 장소 : 잠실 스포츠 경기장 밖 명호가 저희의 마음을 많이 느끼고 와주신 여러분들도 많이 인정해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다!!!@DreamChaser1107님이 사진을 수권해 주셔서 감사합니다~ #세븐틴 #디에잇 #ミンハオ
Congratulations to Minghao for being nominated for The 100 Most Handsome Faces 2019👏👏👏 Vote:Like & Write comments in instagram INS:instagram.com/p/B1HNgRanl51/… #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #徐明浩 #ディエイト #ミンハオ @pledis_17
190812 weibo update 小度 intelligent player is so smart, let's come and play with it #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #徐明浩 #ディエイト #ミンハオ @pledis_17
Singer transcript of Q2 2019 - Xu Minghao   The single "Dreams Come True" beats 95.56% of the new Chinese songs in Q2. I hope he will go forward with his dream and pursue his dream freely, be fearless and brave in music kingdom. #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #ミンハオ @pledis_17
190807 SEVENTEEN_OFFICIAL update Happy Chinese Valentine's Day #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #徐明浩 #ディエイト #ミンハオ @pledis_17