Ayumu Iwasa(@ayumuiwasa_cars)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Sprint Race : P1 Good day with recovery from yesterday! The pace was good, so I focus on tomorrow's Feature Race, too. スプリントレース、モナコでの優勝は正直に嬉しい結果になりました! ペースも良かったので、明日のフィーチャーレースも引き続きプッシュして上位を目指します。
Sprint Race:P13 Feature Race:P1 So happy that all of the team had great weekend with a Feature Race victory! It wasn't easy but we could took a good step. I'll keep pushing and do our best till the end💪 #F2 #AustraliaGP
Practice:P7 Qualifying:P1💪 Very happy at the first driving in Melbourne! We'll try to keep pushing to the end of the weekend. メルボルンでの初予選でポールポジション!凄くポジティブな一日でした🙌 このままの勢いで、今週末は攻め続けたいと思います💪 #F2
Sprint Race : P1🏆 Feature Race : P4 Good results in both races. But I didn't have a great pace through the weekend. So I'll try to improve for another win💪 2レース共に良い結果でしたが、週末を通してのスピード不足は事実なので、改善に挑み、勝利を積み重ねられるよう頑張ります💪
It's start of the new season! I'm really excited about going back to racing in Bahrain🇧🇭 I'm determined to push hard to show our potential👊 Anyway, I will enjoy the weekend. いよいよ開幕戦です! 自分たちのパフォーマンスを示せるように全力を尽くし、攻めの姿勢で戦います👊