if historia inherited the beast titan it would just be. a little pomeranian
some of you talk about “big” and “small” artists like it’s class warfare
エルリ vacation
i’m sick. levi loves erwin so deeply and eternally but erwin grew to love him just as much. they are so much more than the ackerbond even though that seasons it deliciously. for levi that person is erwin bitch!
old sketch of levi primary school teacher since we are all on the baby train anyway.
Gotta catch em all
sometimes being gay just means wearing 3 dangly earrings on one ear
Me forever
It is like hysterically funny to me that erwin and the entire survey corps died bc zeke played catch as a child
Brb going to worship at Hange Temple
Sorry エルリ
Brunch boys
my half of art trade w @s_enneiy (🪦😔✊) !!
Idk why erwin and armin didn’t just split the serum. they had another shifter right there 🙄
That guy is a little fishy
the context. king erwin is lost in the woods and stopped for some water from an oddly enticing pond. Levi is mad bc erwin is getting dirt in his house twitter.com/rozavay/status…
midnight sun lyrics translation just dropped
what if instead of his hand eren bit his lip like a fuckboy to turn into a titan