[IG] 221002 SUA🐥 "Photo by. Mom and dad 🫶🏻 It's been a while since I had a family outing 🐥" (6 pics) instagram.com/p/CjNLGDnvALK/ #Suastagram
[IG] 221002 GAHYEON🦊 "🤟🏻😝" instagram.com/p/CjM0SBLpIV5/ #Gahstagram
[IG] 221002 JIU🐰 "Relaxed (with a wild walk🍒) #rabbits_daily" instagram.com/p/CjMs-WXLz2G/ #JIUstagram
[IG] 221001 SIYEON🐺 "I ate a lot of love I'll pay you back double" (7 pics) instagram.com/p/CjLG9ofBMfS/ #Singstagram
🐺told us to merge it together so-😳 "Vision" first 2 notes:
🐺: Good memories 🥰 Thank you (5 pics)
🐺Thank you for making me able to live as who I am, bye~I love you so much!💙
Siyeon said YAJA TIME leader still haven't decided the song for their comeback. 🐺Our leader🐶 and maknae🐥, their ideas always not matching so- 😆😆😆
Siyeon said she requested to add that bgm to her vlog, so she asked the staff if it's ok to add, will it get copyright issue etc. But that staff didn't get which song she was saying, so Siyeon recorded herself singing the melody, but then the staff "This is it, let's use this"😆
Siyeon said this time the choreo is quite interesting and it's difficult level is like Odd eye.
🐥: Happy Birthday 🥰🌹🎂🥂 my baby👶🏻 my darling👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻 my honey🍯 I love you🫰🏻🫶🏻
🐱: Good morning 🌅 Happy Singnie day🫶🫶🫶☺️☺️ Wish you always be happy and loving Dongie😜 I love you 🤞*kiss*🫦💋
[IG story] 221001 YOOHYEON🐶 "Siyeon-jjang who shines brighter than anyone else, 🥳happy birthday-day👏 instagram.com/stories/ms.yoo… #Yoohstagram
🦊: Happy birthday 🥰 May you be the happiest person in the world!! I love you Lee Siyeon 🥰🥰
🐼: Happy birthday, Singnie-unnie🥳 🐺: *Ang* Thank you, cutie🥹💙💙
🐰: I miss you even though I'm looking at you, Lee Siyeon ❤️ I love you ❤️ Happy birthday ❤️ 🐺: I love you so much too...Thank you so much, 10-yrs-unnie😘😘😘😘
JIU SUA will be on "Kim Goo Ra's Latte 9" ep 23! 충격적인 최악의 범죄 현장 속 어딘가 이상한 범죄자들?? [김구라의 라떼9]ㅣ23회 예고 youtube.com/watch?v=tVvkLa…
[Members' BD messages for Siyeon] 🐰Our Siyeonie💗 You've seen my immature side when we were young, but thank you for understanding me. Love you💗 I wish you the happiest birthday💗 🐥Sing, I will always love you, forever!! (1/3) twitter.com/singforyou1001…
Dark techno, electronic, metal rock😳 n.news.naver.com/entertain/arti…
'Vision' is Dark techno genre!! sound-wave.co.kr/m/product.html…
[IG] 220928 GAHYEON 🦊 Yes yes (5 pics) instagram.com/p/CjCjwrupKkM/… #Gahstagram
T/H/E ver + Platform album ???
[DREAMCATCHER's 7th mini album title track "VISION"..Track list revealed] entertain.naver.com/read?oid=108&a… #드림캐쳐 #dreamcatcher
[weverse] 🐼: why did i film something like this?🤔