
chenle said that he cannot drink champagne at all. once he was with wen junhui (svt) who was drinking a cup of champagne. once he finished the champagne and was left with a drop, chenle tried it and he immediately had a headache. he said he is allergic to gassy drinks
chenle said that renjun and probably him have the highest alcohol tolerance!
chenle said that jisung has low tolerance. so when they are playing games, chenle helped jisung drink a lot of times before. he said it’s not because he cares about jisung but its because he don’t want to see jisung being drunk and end up v0mitting.
chenle said he has been drunk before. he said when he is drunk, he would fall asleep 😂
:let renjun wash chenle: no problem. i would say “i make the dishes you wash” and he would be okay. but i want to find a way where i don’t need to make him a dish and let him wash my dishes 😂 this is worth thinking.
chenle said that for free love, everything was great but he felt like the mv was too childish. but he doesn’t blame the company because he said if he mentioned it earlier and planned it better, it would have been fixed. he said using an electric piano does not seemed advanced +
: when will you release the cover? chenle: i came to the company to record a cover 🙂 did jisung tell you what song are we covering? actually we have been wanting to cover a song for quite some time already. wanted to write a song but been too busy so we decided to cover
chenle said that his phone is spoilt. whenever he tries to restart or turn on his phone, it would only show an apple sign for 3 secs and it would be gone. so he smashed his phone onto the floor and it became like this. #CHENLE #천러
renjun bbl y/n!! i’m super grateful for everyone because we got 1st place today!!🎉 although we couldn’t go up on stage but we got first place i’m really very grateful and happy!! for the future promotions let’s do it happily together!!
renjun: “for these few days let the songs that our members have worked hard on recording in beatbox album to accompany by y/n’s side!! good night~”
renjun: “at first we wanted to use the beatbox comeback to comfort everyone let everyone be happy and stay by everyone’s side TT but no matter what period, situation or where as long as (us 7+czennie) we are together we will shine together! haha +
renjun: “czennie~ everyone saw the news right? i believe our members have enough strength to overcome this challenge! if czennie is worried and hurt because of this we would be more upset.. our trust with czennie is mutual so just believe that they would recover well! +
renjun bbl !!
please jisung is so damn caring… he sent an entire list for chenle to do and ways to take care of himself to not hurt his throat during this period of time….
jisung: but taking care of your throat is the worst/is worser/annoying. so take good care of your throat.”
jisung: “when you sleep, if you have a humidifier turn it on. if you don’t, wet a towel and put it by your side. drink and eat warm water + rice + medicine well. drink loootss of water 2L and above per day. it would be annoying and hard for you body to be in a bad condition +
then he said “too long” “there will be a translation online hahaha” “you still want to let a unwell person translate” “😭” “hahaha”
jisung sent an entire passage to chenle on how to take care of himself and chenle replied with a “okay mom” HAHHAA
jeno mentioned in the ig live with jisung that renjun and chenle are currently outside eating!
chenle said that usually he say don’t anticipate their comebacks because if we anticipate too much we might get disappointed but he said for this repackage we can anticipate. he said all the songs are crazy good and he loves all of them a lot !! 🥹
i’m … speechless the way chenle treats daegal … most of the times their interactions are so cute and wholesome and some of them are just … chenle why just let your daughter sleep in peace
just imagine NCT DAILY with mark and chenle featuring chenle’s cousin making chenle ramen but it’s just mark and chenle’s cousin making the food… imagine chenle trying to give instructions to them but shouting at them whenever they do smn wrong… chaos really
bringing this back when mark rejected jaemin and renjun's kisses
#세상에서_최고아빠_천러 #CHENLE bbl update!! as expected i think all the details are important no matter how good the technique if you don't care about details it cant be perfect especially piano no matter how good the technique the details feelings and intensity
#런쥔이왔당 #RENJUN bbl update!! i was taking a selca when i was on my way suddenly someone walked past so i pretended that i wasn't taking a selca hahahaha