
【Re-Edition Outfits】 Coral Coast Collection: Silent Night DN02 Temperature Difference RT.RX01 Casual Vacation HD01 Sunburn SS.SP Summer Flowers FA361 Summer Flowers FA011 These outfits will be available at the Store until Mar. 15, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7)! #Arknights #Yostar
【Re-Edition Outfit】 Witch Feast Series - Imp's House - Rope Collect Contract Bounty during #ContingencyContract to exchange this outfit at the Permanent Trade Center FOR FREE! #Arknights #Yostar
【Coral Coast Collection - Casual Vacation HD31 - Warfarin】 Comfortable, relaxed, breathable, and lightweight. Allows you to enjoy a perfect beach experience in absolute relaxation. [Free to claim] #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, New event: #ContingencyContract Season #6 Operation Wild Scales will soon be live on March 1, 10:00 (UTC-7), and some of the contents are available for a limited time. Please refer to the following notification for the event details. #Arknights #Yostar
【Vitafield [Foruiner] Series Classics - Wasteland Walker – Provence】 Collect 'Imagini' before February 27, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7) to redeem this outfit FOR FREE! #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, we have some amazing works from the Arknights X Real World event to share with you, hope you enjoy it! Thank you again to all the Doctors who've participated in this event, we really appreciate the creativity and ideas you've shown to us! #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, we're glad to have @radcatmusic, the music producer and Arcus, the animation team of MV "Ain't Seen Nothing Like This", talking about the story behind the scene on making this amazing MV. Let's check it out! HD Version: #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, The following Operators will appear at a higher rate between February 18, 2022, 04:00 (UTC-7) – March 4, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7). ★★★★★★: Carnelian / Saria ★★★★★: Croissant / Blue Poison / Akafuyu #Arknights #Yostar
Arknights Official Trailer - Vigilo "How much of the past remains, and how much of you blooms anew?" New Story Collection Event: Vigilo will be live on February 17, 10:00 (UTC-7)! HD version: #Arknights #Yostar
【Vitafield [Foruiner] Series Classics - Wasteland Walker - Provence】 For the explorer pursuing what remains. Made with special materials suited for adapting to all climates, meeting the harsh demands of complex environments. [Free to claim] #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, New Story Collection event: Vigilo will soon be live on February 17, 10:00 (UTC-7), and some of the contents are available for a limited time. Please refer to the following notification for the event details. #Arknights #Yostar
A special gift on this special day, may this love be "part" of you. Happy Valentine's Day, Doctors! Artist info: ピナケス (@PinaxPinakes) #Arknights #Yostar
Overcome all the challenges. It is all about saving more lives. Contingency Contract will be back in late February with new updates. New Medal Set will be available. Stay tuned! #Arknights #Yostar #ContingencyContract
Dear Doctor, we have just updated the official stickers "Happy 2nd Anniversary". Please visit our official website to download! Click here: #Arknights #Yostar #Arknights2ndAnniv
Dear Doctor, we have just reached 240k followers on Twitter! Thank you for your continuous love and support for Arknights. Let's get on the skateboard and keep moving forward this year! Artist info: PAN:D (@pankoniconico) Download: #Arknights #Yostar
【Coral Coast Collection - Summer Flower FA018 - Eyjafjalla】 Now available at the Store until February 18, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7)! #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, We will patch a known issue on Feb. 17, 2022 (UTC-7), where the medal, 'Tomimi's Respect,' cannot be obtained correctly. We apologize for the inconvenience caused, and we thank you for your understanding. #Arknights #Yostar
【Coral Coast Collection - Summer Flower FA017 - Angelina】 Now available at the Store until February 18, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7)! #Arknights #Yostar
【Coral Coast Collection - Silent Night DN04 - Tomimi】 Now available at the Store until February 18, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7)! #Arknights #Yostar
【Re-Edition Outfits】 Coral Coast Collection: Waverider WR04 for Skadi Casual Vacation HD08 for Provence Shimmering Dew SD05 for Platinum These outfits are now available at the Store again until February 18, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7)! #Arknights #Yostar
【Re-Edition Outfits】 Coral Coast Collection: Seeker SKm01 for SilverAsh Summer Flowers FA333 for Ceobe Seeker SK03 for Croissant These outfits will be available at the Store again until February 18, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7)! #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, The following Operators will appear at a higher rate between February 04, 2022, 10:00 (UTC-7) – February 18, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7). ★★★★★★: Eunectes ★★★★★: Flint / Meteorite ★★★★: Aciddrop #Arknights #Yostar
【Coral Coast Collection - Summer Flower FA018 - Eyjafjalla】 There's no clash at all between studying volcanoes and a love of playing in the water. #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, we've prepared 3 special comics for #Arknights2ndAnniv, and here is the last one of them, hope you enjoy them all! All the special comics are included in the 2nd Anniversary Artbook. Special thanks to @BeniShake for creating this lovely comic! #Arknights #Yostar
Dear Doctor, The following Operators will appear at a higher rate between February 04, 2022, 04:00 (UTC-7) – February 18, 2022, 03:59 (UTC-7). ★★★★★★: Kal'tsit / Shining ★★★★★: Toddifons / Sesa / Reed #Arknights #Yostar