Vote With ARMY⁷(@VoteWithARMY)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

BTS only have ARMY, if we don’t vote them then who will? Guide: ( Vote: (
GAP IS DOWN TO 4K! 💔 Guide: ( Vote: (
Yesterday at this time gap was +6K while today is +4.7K, if you wonder how this happens it’s because our opponent creates more Gmail and Facebook accounts than us. If more voters don’t join us and ARMY don’t create more accounts, we will lose what we won last year.
Our opponent voted with only 63K accounts as of now which means they still have 161K more accounts to vote with later. The only way we can win this is cooperation by each ARMY. This isn’t possible without each ARMY help. Create as many accounts as you can and be prepared at 10PM.
Our opponent has still 170K more accounts to vote with. Please create as many Facebook and Gmail accounts as you can and spread about this voting in all platforms. Please know, you don’t have to do anything, you just need to login with your accounts and tap ‘vote’.
To vote BTS, you don’t need to download an app or spend lots of time by doing missions to collect stars or watch video ads, you only need to login with your FB and Gmail accounts in the idolplus website and tap ‘vote’. This is like VMAs voting. 🥺 🗳: (
🔔 | TMA’s “Popularity Award” — Update We’ve been outvoted again. If we want to win this, we need more voters and more accounts. Please start creating FB and Gmail accounts and inform more ARMY about this voting. 🥺🙏 Vote: (
🔔 | TMA’s RESET Do NOT vote BTS with ALL your accounts as of now on ‘Popularity Award’ and wait for further notice. Create as many Gmail and Facebook accounts as you can and inform more ARMY about this voting. You can start voting on ‘Choice Artist Award’. Thank you.
If only 20K ARMY vote with their 2 Gmail accounts now, we can take the lead. 🥺🙏 🗳: (
🔔 | A reminder to not forget to drop your voting tickets for TMA’s ‘Choice Artist Award’ before they get deleted at 12am KST (Reset). Guide: ( Vote: (
This is the easiest voting EVER. You don’t need to watch video ads or do missions to gain stars, you just need to login with your Google and FB accounts and tap ‘Vote’. It doesn’t really take your time. Do this for BTS. 🥺 🗳: (
This is your battle too, voting bases can’t do this alone. The only reason we are doing this is because we want to make BTS happy since they attend the award ceremony. We are only doing this for BTS. Guide: ( Vote: (
ARMY WHERE ARE YOU? GAP IS DOWN TO -33K! 😭😭 Guide: ( Vote: (
If you don’t know how to vote with multiple accounts, please kindly watch this video tutorial. Those who haven’t joined us, this takes only 3 minutes of your time. Please join us. 🙏 Vote: ( #TMARMYOnlyforBTS
🔔 | Mass voting party starts now! Proceed to idolplus and vote with all your Gmail and Facebook accounts. Remember BTS will attend the award ceremony. Vote: ( #TMARMYOnlyforBTS
15 minutes before our mass voting starts! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ #TMARMYOnlyforBTS
RT + reply to trend ‘#TMARMYOnlyforBTS’ worldwide! 🌏
📡 | Mass trending party starts now. Let’s trend ‘#TMARMYOnlyforBTS’ to reach more ARMY for later mass voting. If you see this tweet and you haven’t joined yet, please know that you only need to login with all your FB and Gmail accounts and vote. 🗳: (
Please create as many Gmail and Facebook Accounts as you can. MASS DROP at 10PM KST! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️
BTS has lost the lead on TMA’s “Popularity Award”. 😔 Vote: (
🔔 | Join us for a mass trending and mass voting party starting from 9PM KST, ⏳ Mass trending - 9PM ⏳ Popularity Award Mass voting - 10PM ⏳ FNS Choice Mass voting - 11PM See you! 😉