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🌸🌸 GIVE AWAY 🌸🌸😴💤 話題のsleep💤 to earn #Sleepagotchi のαテスター権を追加で3名様ににプレゼントします‼️ ⬇️応募方法⬇️ 1️⃣フォロー @sleepagotchi  & @mino_axie 2️⃣このツイートをRT 3⃣discord.gg/UzBmjmVh ←join 4⃣締め切り 6/28 23:59 #S2E #NFT #Giveaways
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🌸GIVEAWAY🌸 本日は @sleepagotchi 運営者である @antongotchi の誕生日🎂✨ という事でαテスター枠を3枠giveawayします!!😍 ⬇️応募方法⬇️ 1️⃣フォロー @sleepagotchi @mino_axie 2️⃣このツイートをRT 3⃣discord.gg/UzBmjmVh ←join 👇締め切り👇  7/3 23:59 #みの情報局 #sleepagotchi
3 キャンペーン
🌸GIVEAWAY🌸 風来のシレンやトルネコlikeのハクスラ系P2Eゲーム @miniminidungeon のWL枠を10名様にプレゼント🎁 自分も遊んでみる予定です🥰✨ ⬇️応募方法⬇️ 1️⃣フォロー @miniminidungeon @mino_axie 2️⃣このツイートをRT 3⃣discord.gg/pEHcpaRt ←join 7/7 23:59まで🫥 #MiniMiniDungeon
🎲50AxieGiveaway🎲 I will be doing a 50AxieGiveaway to celebrate the opening of Youtube. 🤗✨ Support:@unkomangkng ✅This Tweet ♡&RT ✅Follow👇 @mino_axie @unkomangkng ✅Follow👇 youtube.com/channel/UCOkQd… 🌸Period ends September 21. #AxieInfinity #AxieOrigins #Giveaway
🧩🧩Special team giveaway🎲🎲 5team total of 15 AXIE giveaway✨ Sponsored by @unkomangkng 🤗 👇Entry Requirements 1⃣This tweet 💖& RT 2⃣Follow @mino_axie & @unkomangkng 3⃣Subscribe YT & Twitch youtube.com/channel/UCOkQd… twitch.tv/mino_mt8 #AxieInfinity #AxieOrigins
✨✨Special Axie Giveaway✨✨ SagekunのTwitter開設を記念し、minoがブリードした天使達を3人にプレゼントします💖 Dawnと言う珍しい種族のアクシー達です🐣✨ 当選者はもれなくminoによるチーム相談も受ける事が出来ます😆👍 👇応募条件 1⃣This tweet 💖& RT 2⃣Follow @mino_axie & @Sagekun1216
I would like to participate in this festival.🥂 Please give me a chance to revenge to @spamandrice ! Please vote for me by liking and retweeting this tweet, it would mean a lot! ❤️ axie.substack.com/p/offseasontou… #AxieInvitational @AxieInfinity @METAT8esports @QU3ST_io
For those who gave me a RT and a 💘, I will give you Dawn, which is only found in the cleanest of waters in Lunacia, which I used in the off-season. This is the Axie I breed.🥰 twitter.com/mino_axie/stat…
🌸GIVEAWAY🌸 Axie team (3Axie) x 5 To celebrate the establishment of the first Axie Infinity pro team in Japan, we will GIVEAWAY a team built by pro members + mino!🫶✨ 👇Terms 💘 & RT tweet I'm quoting. ▼Follow @GuildQB @chani_chan0108 @umiumi771 @RIsyA_Axie @nico_kaneyan twitter.com/GuildQB/status…