#VolKno has surpassed 1,000,000 views on YouTube. Let's try to reach at least 3M before the 24hr mark, Teumes. 🫶🏻 🎬: youtu.be/Dbs3l_ZJR6o TRIPLE HUMBLE VOLKNO #VolKno_MV_OUT_NOW #HYUNHAYO_UNIT @treasuremembers
@.daikitsuneta (member of Japanese band King Gnu) posted a picture of Asahi on his story😊 He designed the shoes that Asahi is wearing in the picture in collaboration with Adidas. [In the pic] "To be honest, it suits you well" #트레저 #トレジャーa href="https://twitter.com/treasuremembers" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@treasurememberss
@.chadichanwook (TREASURE's backup dancer) posted pictures and videos on his Instagram as well. #트레저 #トレジャー@treasuremembers twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[ENG] "I love you, Teumes😘💜🔥💜🔥" #CHOIHYUNSUK" twitter.com/treasuremember…
The MV is fireeee 🔥🔥🔥 Please stream the MV Teumes!! Go! Go! Go! 🔗: youtu.be/Dbs3l_ZJR6o TRIPLE HUMBLE VOLKNO #VolKno_MV_OUT_NOW #HYUNHAYO_UNIT @treasuremembers
#TREASURE DOYOUNG IS NOW LIVE FOR HIS BIRTHDAY ON WEVERSE! 🥰 Don't forget to tune in! FOREVER WITH DOYOUNG #PpirotongtongDoyoungDay #구름사이_별사이_도영생일 #ドヨンのハートにピロトントン @treasuremembers
TREASURE - 'DARARI (REMIX)' EXCLUSIVE PERFORMANCE VIDEO already surpassed 1,500,000 views on YouTube! 2 Million views, shall we? 🖇️ youtu.be/4bBczzrciP0 EXCUSE ME DARARI ILOVEYOU #DARARI_REMIX_OUTNOW #DARARI #TREASURE @treasuremembers
[WORLDWIDE TREND] Our tags are now trending worldwide at #46 and #48!! 🔥 Please continue to drop the tags Teumes!!! 🔥 HELLO TREASURE AT GDA #GDA2023_WITH_TREASURE #트레저_골든디스크로_직진 #TREASURE @treasuremembers
Learn to appreciate the things we have, celebrate every little thing we worked on together, and always think what's best for all the members, both as a group and individually. Comeback is near, we're just starting! Let's prepare and do our best for them. ALL FOR TREASURE!💎
As this year comes to an end, we thank you for 2022. Now, let's hold our heads up and take on 2023 with a stronger, braver, and happier heart! ❤️😇 You can now use the tags below. JIKJIN TO 2023 #2023WithTREASURE #HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_TEUMES #TREASURE @treasuremembers
Our project wrap up will be postponed as we decided to exhaust all remaining funds to mass download and steam #VolKno on Bugs. Our Bugs team has been continuously streaming #THESECONDSTEP_CHAPTERTWO, and we will have our mass DL upon the release of VolKno M/V.
Teumes have been asking for streaming activities but we barely got engagements in our streaming posts and our views barely increased. 🔗ILY: youtu.be/_hFarg-Obuc 🔗JIKJIN: youtu.be/ZJaKdBBzUYk TREA2URE 2ND SHINING YEAR #TREA2URE_ANNIVERSARY_D5 #트레저 @treasuremembers
[WORLDWIDE TRENDS] All of our tags have now surpassed 100k+ tweets!! 🔥🔥 200k tweets next? Drop the tags!! YOSHI ROCKING AT 22 #OurTigerYoshiDay #호빵같이_따끈한_요시가_찾아왔어 #才能と愛嬌のギャップ王子ヨシ誕生祭 @treasuremembers
[WORLDWIDE TRENDS] We are on the top worldwide trends now! Keep up the good work, Teumes. Let's try to reach 1M tweets in our tags for today. 🥳 HAPPY TEUYEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
DARARI REMIX EXCLUSIVE PERFORMANCE VIDEO is currently trending #2 worldwide on YouTube! Please keep on sharing the link, comment, and like! Let's try to get to #1! 🥰 🔗: youtu.be/4bBczzrciP0 EXCUSE ME DARARI ILOVEYOU #DARARI_REMIX_OUTNOW #DARARI #TREASURE @treasuremembers
[HASHTAG PART] Goal: 1,000 replies + tags What is "Bonita" in your own language? 🥰 1BILLION LOVE FOR DARARI #DARARI_1B_VIEWS_ON_TIKTOK #DARARI @treasuremembers
[ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN TAGS] As we near TREASURE's 2nd anniversary, let's create more milestones Teumes! 🔥 Please stream so we can get the 100M poster. Also don't forget to use these tags 😊 INFINITY WITH TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVERSARY_D2 #트레저 @treasuremembers
It wasn't an easy journey for the members and for reaching 2 amazing years full of ups and downs. Thank you for your hardwork and passion, TREASURE! ❤️ HAPPY TEUYEARS TREA2URE #TREA2URE_ANNIVER2ARY_2022 #열두개의_보석_트레저_2주년 #데뷔2주년_축하해_빛나는트레저 @treasuremembers
"준규 라이브(Junkyu live)' and 준규 슈프림(Junkyu Supreme)' are trending at #14 and #15 in South Korean twitter trend🔥🔥 #트레저 #トレジャー href="https://twitter.com/treasuremembers" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@treasuremembersrs
We missed the tags yesterday so here's our tags for Aichi, Nagoya show Day2! ☺️ Hope everyone enjoy and stay safe today too! TREASURE IN AICHI #TREASURE_HELLO名古屋 #HELLO_AICHI_D2 #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
‼️ Reminder that this is a DAESANG, please give your focus here and let’s bring the hype! Like and share TV’s updates until the end to spread the word, @treasuremembers needs your support ‼️ twitter.com/TreasureVotes/…
#TREASURE DARARI CHALLENGE now has 44M views on TikTok. 🥰 🎥vm.tiktok.com/ZTds8f67o/?k=1 🖇️ youtu.be/4bBczzrciP0 EXCUSE ME DARARI ILOVEYOU #DARARI_REMIX_OUTNOW #DARARI #TREASURE @treasuremembers