✄肉丸 ☁️+🐝 📬(@rouwan)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

I have no idea if this is helpful at ALL but this is how I draw chains (very quickly)
one last lullaby 🦋
a warmth beyond the edge of dawn 🌅
genshin hearts: kingdom and the three magi (they have the same VAs)
quirk: myhby guiding key
happy 20th to the story that took over a good chunk of my life 😔✨
dance of the dead
triple threat
you belong to me
empty hearted
slice of life kh special valentines filler episode (not on valentines)
his heart is mine!
friend: (sends an image of rosaria) friend: ...i thought that was vanitas
albedo likers are somehow the most reserved in desire yet also the thirstiest people alive. like victorian era ankles
welcome to quadratum
🎃 lets 👯 dance 👻
魔神三仙 👹🔶🍃 collab with @tooersh + @emererre
soras moving castle ✨
pure hearted
a moment for us
i cant be as kind as you
among stars