ヒメ🎀Himerch Vol.7 OPEN~☆(@HimerinMochi)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[Hotties] ※💴🌸 He really damn knows how to show it correctly and make it seem obvious (lolol) #大春
Based from a kdrama(?) ss that I do not even know the name of www Answer him wisely, katocchan #大春
大春. 🌸[💢アホ!💢バカんべ!すきにしろ!どっかちまえ!もう知らねぇっっ!💢💢] ° °。 🌸[ごめん。。] 💴[ん。] 🌸[行かないでくれえ。。] 💴[分かった。]
"He is my companion in life & death." Did it! ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ and now my first joongdok full-rendered illust;; #ORV #joongdok #중독
He's gonna regret it the next morning lol #大春
💴🌸/2gteher the Series Parody. DaiHaruchan as SarawaTine are also perfect♡ Especially both Sarawat amd Daisuke's thIRst for their bae haha 😆 #大春 #2getherTheSeries
[✌️🌸˚✧₊⁎Justice BEAM⁎⁺˳✧༚ 🌟✌️] ※Don't think about it too seriously
HANA🥀HAKI ※Not dating #大春
[Surprise Attack☆] 大春 Very lovey-dovey ♡💋
#大春 [ 恋人といる時の雪って 特別な気分に浸れて僕は好きです。] ※Traced from that one "Special feeling" meme (lol).
Congratulations on the animation~!!♡ #SPY_FAMILY #スパイファミリー
[💴🌸] Check 1~Check 10 #大春
Wip. Or how to tell your readers an AU without actually telling them 🤫
[💴🌸x🎄🎁 Oneshot] #大春
[Hand-in-marriage💍?] Daisuke-san (Novel) & Daisuke-kun (BUL) ※Delusion ※Don't think too much about it lol #大春
※Not dating 💴:[煽るな,加藤!] 🌸:[んええよ!あとあんまり動くな!ばかんべっ!] Oh juniors definitely up,healthy and well ꒰◍ˊ◡ˋ꒱ #大春
[🌸🌸🌸HBD Katou Haru🌸🌸🌸] ※°•02/05/2022•°※ #加藤春誕生祭2022 #加藤春生誕祭2022 [1/5]
[iF Story: Daughter Pt.2🎀🧸] ABOverse-ish 💴🌸 Thank you followers-tachi helping me with the names idea♡ Next part will (hopefully) be a about their son.☺️ #大春
[iF Story: Daughter🎀🧸] ABOverse-ish 💴🌸, where they raised a daughter together as a family~ #大春
大春 60min rkgk
[ଘWingsଓ Oneshot] #大春 Mini story I included in my 2nd daiharu book & the one that I have already posted on IG. Up here just in case followers-tachi hasn't/want to read again ^^ [1/4]
💴🌸 Cherry Magic Paro. This starting to become a thing whenever I come across a perfect scene to redraw (lol) #大春
[🐈💴x🎩🌸] 💴::"Bold today aren't you, sexy hat-maker?" 🌸:"Just don't get carried away, kitty-cat." #大春
[iF: Corpse💀Groom] ※💴🌸 Corpse bride!AU ※Delusion/Plot divergence Summary; [Haru has been dead for at least 8-9 years. Daisuke, whom just got engaged, ran away from his own party into a forest. Thus he met the-already-zombified Haru.] #大春
[💴🌸😗] #大春