Hangzhou Spark(@Hangzhou_Spark)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

What a clutch game! We seize the victroy against @SeoulDynasty with 4 different line-ups! Congrat to Bebe @bebezzangv and @Hojin_idk for their very first double MVP in the league! #owl2019 #bang Now, Jerry in the house~ (¯―¯٥)
Don't worry here comes the art (・ω< )★ Tom is sneaking in the house, watch out Jerry! We are facing @SeoulDynasty ahead which ranks the same at stage 3! Let's go Spark !ψ(`∇´)ψ #owl2019 #bang #roaron
Victroy! Now we have the cake ! GG to @DallasFuel ! Congrats to BeBe the CARRY MACHINE @bebezzangv for winning his first MVP! (∩•̀ω•́)⊃-*⋆
The Budokai continues! Me eat you up! Me eat you up! Me eat you up~! @DallasFuel 〜〜(/`ε´))/ 〜 #owl2019 #bang #burnblue
Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect little teeth! That’s not the way justice should be and I will show you, Steve! (#`皿´) @washjustice #owl2019 #bang #justiceisserved
Kaiju rages in the city and it's time to end this! Ultratelly, roll out! ~( ̄0 ̄)/ @VancouverTitans #bang #forceofnature #owl2019
Love never be late! ( *^-^)ρ(^0^* ) #Pride2019
POKOchu get! GG to @Fusion and we have the games! A clean Victory as 4:0 and our lads doing the best today! Thank you all Sparklers for supporting us! ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ #bang #owl2019
A wild POKOmon appeared! Let's go HZ Sealie! What should Sealie do? -Fight -Bag -Run -Pokemon @Fusion #owl2019 #bang #iontheprize
The 2nd Part of Spark team comm is here! Do you know what happened when @Guxue5 pick Pharah in regular games? o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o #bang
Happy Children‘s Day! (○` 3′○) #bang
Here's Sparking Mic Check of Stage 2! Come and see how popular is @OW_Krystal around his teammates! ( *^-^)ρ(^0^* ) #bang
The Endangered assemble! Pandas, Tigers, and .......the Seals ! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o @ChengduHunters @SeoulDynasty #LetsGoHunt #roaron #bang #owl2019 #OWLAllStars
Make it to Playoffs and semi-final! The lads are so happy! Let’s find out what they think about it! youtu.be/OajOfQ4tHus Also giveaway here ! FL and RT this clip within 24 hours. 3 lucky sparklers will get a whole set of Allstar Skins 2019! #bang (*≧)≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞ
VICTORY ! ! We make it to the semi final as the 1st CNOW team and revenge @Spitfire ! ٩(๑^o^๑)۶ The team do so well in all games and make sparklers proud! GG to @Spitfire ! Congrats to @Hojin_idk for his real post-match interview! ∠(`ω´*) #owl2019 #bang
We are heading to the Stage 2 Playoffs! First encountering @Spitfire once again and we come back with better preparations! Let's go Spark! #bang #OWL2019 (´ฅω•ฅ`)
We make it! GGWP to @SeoulDynasty! We are 5W2L and get into the playoffs! Such a glorious moment for all Sparklers! (。^▽^) #bang
A vital match to decide the last seat to playoff between Spark & @SeoulDynasty is coming tomorrow. Let's gooooooo for glory! ヾ(•ω•`)o #bang   #RoarOn   #owl2019
GGWP @ParisEternal . We experienced clutch games in various maps. Glad we prevailed in tie-breaker! Such a glorious set and we enjoy our fights! Merci! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ #bang #owl2019
Hi @ParisEternal , meet you in the football pitch, for Liberte, Egalite and Jules Rimet! ~o(▽` o) =3 =3 = #bang #FiatLux #owl2019 #TheFirstHomeGame
We fight well today and win! GG to @ChengduHunters for your amazing performance! (●ˇ∀ˇ●) #bang #owl2019
A remarkeble fight between Kongfu Masters with @ChengduHunters ! We gonna show you the true spirit of Chinese martial art! ┏(゜ロ゜;)┛ #bang #letsgohunt #OWL2019
And there are more pictures from the Spark Cosers in local watch event! Thank you guys again! \(0^◇^0)/ #bang
Time for Wave VS Rhythm! Let Spark show you the truth of music! ヽ(≧□≦)ノ@SFShock #bang #shocktheworld #owl2019