bora 💜 (slow)(@bora_twts)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

2022.12.01 🐨 IG stories: “a listening party just for us” @wavycolde @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 #RM
2022.12.01 🐨 IG story: 😭💙 To Namjoon who loves the world and lives with a consistent attitude and heart, It’s that much more meaningful and precious that I’m able to be with you for your precious album that you’ve been preparing for a long time to end your 20s. +
Thank you for giving the world your good influence. In the future, let’s live flexibly like the sea, deep and blue! 22.11.30 Heesoo (Colde’s real name) @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 #RM
2022.12.01 🐿️ IG post: with @MnetMAMA @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 #jhope
2022.12.01 🐨 comment: ohhh/wow sexy man~~ @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단…
“After taking RM on a recent tour of the galleries…We had a beautiful conversation about his interest in art, and also about his deepening interest in Korean culture. He’s a real art person.” Ahh Namjoon has been chosen as one of @artnet’s 35 innovators of 2022!
🎥 you used to be Rap Monster right? 🐨 yes, i used to be but as we were entering the US market, I didn’t want to be limited to one genre, so to dispel some of that (to be able to try various genres, he changed his name to RM!) 🎥 from what I’ve heard, Namjoon is very +
while studying quantum mechanics (on an online class), though I didn’t really retain much. And my childhood dream was to be an astronomer. Being an astronomer just seemed so cool! 👩🏻 that kind of reputation is good~ but why did you just think it’s cool and didn’t become one? +
has a lot of intellectual curiosity and is really interested in the world 🐨 I have a lot (of interest) 📚 I saw a pic of your bookcase and thought “ahh you read about these kinds of interests.” Bc those books weren’t books one easily reads 🐨 I saw Professor Kim Sangwook +
🐨 I..I didn’t study very well..😅 🎥 but he became a star himself! 💜 🐨 Whoaaa you’re def a director! 🤓 as expected [from a director]! 📚 then we’re all in the middle of observation [of a star]? 🐨 🤣🤣
👨🏻‍⚕️ our family are huge fans [of BTS] 🐨 thank you 👨🏻‍⚕️ they all gathered around and watched them play foot-volleyball on YouTube 🐨 ah 😅 how could you mention that as the 1st thing [they saw]*;; *instead of MVs etc 🤣 👨🏻‍⚕️ if my wife is laughing, I ask her what’s she’s watching +
and she’s watching them (BTS) have fun/play around 🐨 we’re actually quite famous for being damn terrible at foot-volleyball!! 👨🏻‍⚕️ they watch even the smallest stuff! 🐨 we are so bad at it 🤣😅😅
🎥 a little later…don’t forget to take a pic with me, okay? 🐨 oh ofc! 🎥 my plan is to show that pic I took with you when I go overseas in the future 🐨 🤣🤣 only show it if they say they know who I am! 🎥 they all know! (x2) @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 #RM
🐨 (pointing to movie poster) Oh? Ah! HYYH! 🎥 oh you know this film? 🐨 Yes I know it. Our album concepts were an homage to this film. And I like HYYH so much. 💜 HYYH, something they have in common 💜 ++ @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단
BTS used the film HYYH as a motif to release 2 EPs in 2015 to sing for the youth living their most beautiful moment in life. They had their first music show win since debut with pt.1’s I NEED U, and had their first entry on the Billboard (200) chart with pt.2.
Namjoon did so much research for the show. He watched videos of the professors on the show, read their books, took some online classes…I love him 🥹😭
.@wavycolde IG story: Yes.. I did get to listen to it first...🥺 It’s so good it makes you cry Please look forward to it Come quick, tomorrow !! @/rkive INDIGO @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 #RM #Indigo
Ahhh that’s so cute. Namjoon is #5 on @eaeon’s Spotify Wrapped Top Artist list 🥹🥹🥹
Artnet reached out to more than 50 art world leaders for recs. Namjoon has been to David Zwirner gallery to see Yun Hyongkeun, knows the Serpentine artistic director Hans Obrist bc of Connect BTS, met Met Museum director Max Hollein during the UN trip...a perfect choice…
2022.12.01 🐨 IG stories 🐨 D-1😶 @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 #RM #Indigo
He doesn’t think of the title track as #1, they’re all equal to him. He was a bit scared/anxious having a title track that’s 4:33 in the age of streaming but these tracks weren’t made for hype or noise but to remain for a long time. And please listen to the album in order 😭
Indigo Live will be on 12/2 at 5 pm KST (3 am EST)!! @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 #RM #Indigo
“After a debut like this, J-Hope’s fans (new and old) can be pretty sure they won’t be disappointed with his future offerings.” Jack in the Box is #9 on Rolling Stone’s list of the best albums in 2022!! Congrats Hobi! 🔗… @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 #jhope
2022.12.01 🐹 comment: kekekekekeke who are you? 🐿️ reply; @/jin kekekekeke 🐨 comment: whoa sexy man~~ 🐿️ reply: is this enough for sexy nukim?? 🔥 @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단…
Docskim IG story omg I wonder if he came over to perform with Namjoon 👀 @BTS_twt #BTS #방탄소년단 @rm #Indigo