Core is the best way to connect with the latest games built on #Avalanche
The @coreapp browser extension automatically integrates with each new Subnet, getting you to playing games even faster 🎮
extension.core.app twitter.com/PulsarGame/sta…
Last week, Avalanche Warp Messaging (AWM was rolled out to Avalanche mainnet.
For a quick technical explanation, here's a quick overview of why AWM) chose to use BLS Multi-Signatures over Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS): twitter.com/_patrickogrady…
Looking forward to another great Spaces discussion today with @ArkhamIntel and @avalabsofficial, deep diving into all things crypto intelligence 🗣
Set a reminder for 11am ET: twitter.com/i/spaces/1kvKp… twitter.com/avax/status/16…
ICYMI, the @Stardust team dropped by #AvalancheSpaces last week to discuss how they're making blockchain integrations seamless for game developers through the low-code NFT implementations, custodial player wallets and much more!
Replay the full recording: youtu.be/3f7qfQWiZXs
6/ @Togg2022, the leading Turkish electric vehicle manufacturer, will be utilizing Avalanche to bolster its new Mobility Initiative with smart contracts and create more seamless functionality than other electric vehicles.
Head to the Subnets website to learn more about how to develop your own customizable app-specific chain, or to keep up with the latest news and project launches.
Learn the latest with the Avalanche platform and the newest Banff 5 update with Avalanche Warp Messaging (AWM).
Dive in with @stephenbuttolph and @LoganJastremski: youtube.com/watch?v=LUAFkR…
“Next Gen” is the best way to describe the team at @MurasakiBV 👊
Murasaki #ChoseAvalance to bring Japanese culture to life in a cross-media gaming ecosystem. twitter.com/Cyberstella_/s…
Avalanche Andretti FE, Season 9 coming soon 🏎💨 twitter.com/AndrettiFE/sta…
What puts @GREE_pr_jp in the perfect position to take on the Japanese Web3 gaming market?
Learn more with @jayks of @avalabsofficial: twitter.com/jayks/status/1…
ICYMI, today is the next Developer Community Call at 11am ET, streamed live right here on Twitter or the #Avalanche YouTube: youtube.com/live/wnxxzMr3g…
@_patrickogrady and @AaronBuchwald will be sharing the latest HyperSDK developments, AvalancheGo updates and much more! twitter.com/avax/status/16…
Who's active today?
The Avalanche Soundcloud has some great mixes to keep you going through the weekend 🎶 soundcloud.com/avalancheavax
Learn more about @hexagate_ and how it aims to keep dApps on Avalanche secure with the latest recorded Twitter Spaces: youtu.be/3Tm0-1F8cf0
Come thru for In The Lab office hours with members of the @avalabsofficial team, to discuss growing Avalanche as a community ⬇️
📍 Twitter Spaces
📆 Thurs 11/17 @ 4-5p ET
twitter.com/i/spaces/1mnxe… twitter.com/avalabsofficia…
Speaking of Avalanche Multiverse… interested in building a novel app or bold new idea on a Subnet?
Fill out the form below: avalancheavax.typeform.com/to/AHipnhBh
The Acumen MicroFinance Dapp is now live on #Avalanche
@acumenofficial aims to provide more efficient micro-financing opportunities for SMEs in emerging economies. Deposits for #USDC #USDT and #DAI are now open. 👇
docs.acumen.network twitter.com/acumenofficial…
Come connect with @cgcardona and the Ava Labs team at @Interop_Summit and #ETHDenver ⬇️ twitter.com/cgcardona/stat…
Gaming on #Avalanche continues to grow!
Monster Studios, the team behind @RuneSeekerRUNES, #ChoseAvalanche to launch their next generation strategy card game, Rune Seeker.
9️⃣ Lastly, Core gives you ease of mind controlling your assets, allowing you to create and manage multiple addresses using the same recovery phrase 💪
ICYMI, @coreapp users can switch to any one of ten supported languages in just a few clicks!
Core web and browser extension are now available in English, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.
Interested in building dApps or blockchain-enabled solutions?
Join the growing community of engineers and entrepreneurs on Avalanche Forum! forum.avax.network