.@VersoFinance's CEO @GregorArn gives a keynote about the challenges and opportunities for #DeFi adoption and the story behind @WalletEngine, which provides fiat wallets for cross-border apps. ⬇️ youtu.be/udVxtl-n3ko
Build your DAO for long-term success with behavioral economics expert and @UMAprotocol's Head of Community @TokenArchitect. His keynote, "Help Them Fall in Love With Your DAO," covers intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, incentive strategies and more. ⬇️ youtu.be/EC1Jc4DqOHw
During "The Scaling Wars" panel at @Permissionless, @luigidemeo breaks down how #Avalanche Subnets can help any dApp scale quickly and create better experiences for their users. Watch the full panel here: youtu.be/9v1NE3_9odg
🛠️ Developers, help fellow builders shape the future of #Web3 by entering #Avalanche's Subnet Tutorial Contest for up to $32k in prizes! ⬇️ 🗓️ Jun 6 - Aug 2 🔗 Official rules: avalancheavax.medium.com/avalanche-laun…
The new Avalanche-CLI is out to help any builder launch production-ready Subnets with ease! This thread from Connor breaks down the latest Subnet documentation update for devs and node operators, check it out 👏 twitter.com/das_connor/sta…
Attending @consensus2022 this week in Austin, TX? Make sure to see @avalabsofficial's @SJohn_Nahas deliver his keynote, "The Web 3 World According to Avalanche," in person or virtually this Fri! events.coindesk.com/consensus2022/…
Join the @avalabsofficial team at @consensus2022 for a special Spotlight Series this Friday, featuring 5 power sessions covering all things #Avalanche! Stop by in person, or tune in virtually: events.coindesk.com/consensus2022/…
🚨 AVAX staking is now available on #BinanceUS 🚨 Get started today and stak#AVAXAX in just a few clicks: binance.us/en/staking/ twitter.com/BinanceUS/stat…
The Hackathon is happening June 10-12th in Austin, alongside @consensus2022, with several hacker bounties around #Avalanche Subnets. Spots are limited, make sure to register soon to enter: encodeclub.typeform.com/austin-apply twitter.com/encodeclub/sta…
During this #AvalancheSummit workshop, @BwareLabs's CEO @flavian_bware shows how to create an #NFT project in just a few steps! ⬇️ youtu.be/uVfuMJ-hbUE
Builders, show us your skills in the Subnet Tutorial Contest for up to $32k in prizes! The #Avalanche Developer team will select the best how-tos to publish on the official Avalanche docs page: docs.avax.network/subnets/create…. Everything you need to enter ⬇️ medium.com/avalancheavax/…
The competition is heating up 🔥 Subnets being created in under a 1min from all kinds of places 🔺 twitter.com/sw4g_ct/status…
What role does academia play in the future of blockchain? In his keynote, "IC3, DeFi and Social Good," @jimballingall discusses @initc3org and how academic research can enhance fair treatment for DeFi users. ⬇️ youtu.be/eynGO_TmW1s
For their first #NFT series celebrating #Helvetica, the world’s most famous typeface, @Monotype explains their decision to launch on #Avalanche Limiting the environmental impact was top priority, so the most eco-friendly blockchain was the obvious choice! monotype.com/resources/expe…
Introducing 2 new @chainlink integrations on #Avalanche that enable developers to add more decentralized infrastructure to their dapps! 🔨 Chainlink Keepers: secure smart contract automation 🔨 Chainlink VRF: scalable random number generator Learn more: avalancheavax.medium.com/chainlink-keep…
Are you a builder looking to elevate your Web3 dev skills, while helping real people in local communities? Join Web3athon, a 3-month virtual hackathon with $800k+ in prizes, created by @CoinDesk @cradl_org @HackerEart 📆 June 9 - Sept 15 🔗 Register: web3athon.xyz
Don't miss the #Avalanche Spotlight Series at @consensus2022, tmw at 2pm CT! @encycloplydia & @_patrickogrady will be joined by special guests @jaesonma, @chiragdhull, @JodieGunzberg, @elitanjourno, @uwjimmyxu & Marcus Jones. Join in person or online ⬇️ events.coindesk.com/consensus2022/… twitter.com/avalancheavax/…
A thorough analysis of #Avalanche's vertical and horizontal scaling solutions, including Subnet use cases. All of your questions about the ecosystem, answered here ⬇️ foresightventures.medium.com/avalanche-from…
There's a lot to cover in crypto on today's All Access with @el33th4xor, you don't want to miss it ✅ Tune in live on the #Avalanche YT @ 1p ET 👀 youtu.be/7yKX0XVsrZc
Today at @consensus2022 in Austin, TX, you won't want to miss @SJohn_Nahas's keynote, "The Web 3 World According to Avalanche," happening right before the #Avalanche Spotlight Series! 🗓️ Today at 1:30p ET events.coindesk.com/consensus2022/… twitter.com/avalancheavax/…
🇯?#AVAXAX, the native token of #Avalanche, is now available on @OKCoinJapan! medium.com/avalancheavax/…
.@chainlink verifiable randomness function (VRF) activated on #Avalanche! twitter.com/_TrueVoodoo/st…
Excited about innovating on Subnets? Enter your best tutorials to the #Avalanche Subnet Tutorial Contest! Judged by the developer team, all submissions that pass the 1st round will receive $1K, and those who pass the 2nd round will be eligible for more! medium.com/avalancheavax/…
The official pre-trailer for @BloodLoopGAME, an MMO-FPS with a completely player-driven economy, is out! 👇 twitter.com/BloodLoopGAME/…