Avalanche 🔺(@avax)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Today at @consensus2022 in Austin, TX, you won't want to miss @SJohn_Nahas's keynote, "The Web 3 World According to Avalanche," happening right before the #Avalanche Spotlight Series! 🗓️ Today at 1:30p ET events.coindesk.com/consensus2022/… twitter.com/avalancheavax/…
Are you a Rust expert interested in creating Web3 dApps? Make your ideas come to life with this step-by-step tutorial on how to create a simple VM on Avalanche with Rust: docs.avax.network/subnets/create…
Crypto derivatives have boomed, exceeding spot volumes in recent months. @tradeparadigm's Michal Koonin, @QCPCapital's @dariussitzl, @GenesisTrading's @joshua_j_lim & @ribbonfinance's @juliankoh discuss the future of derivatives at #AvalancheSummit. ⬇️ youtu.be/Ugjmqb_qggs
.@DeltaPrimeDefi is launching its undercollateralized lending protocol on #Avalanche, releasing capital currently locked in other lending protocols and increasing efficiency for users. twitter.com/DeltaPrimeDefi…
Today at 1pm ET is the next Developer Community Call, covering the latest with HyperSDK and what to expect for the Cortina upgrade ⏰ Have a question for the @avalabsofficial engineering team? Drop them in the form below for the Q&A 👇 docs.google.com/forms/d/1upD9M… twitter.com/avax/status/16…
Excited to see the @AVAXAndrettiFE team take the track again this week 🔋🏎💨 twitter.com/AndrettiFE/sta…
As mobile games continue to look to #Avalanche to scale, @PixionGames will join Spaces to discuss @fableborne, a mobile-first play-to-own multiplayer game where players embark on a journey to explore the Shatterlands. 🗓️ Set a reminder: twitter.com/i/spaces/1ypKd…
ICYMI, #AVAX is now available on @CoinbaseJapan 🇯🇵 twitter.com/CoinbaseJapan/…
Learn about the 8 things you need to know when seeking venture capital, today at 1p ET with @JoshHecht from @BlizzardFund 🚀 twitter.com/MoralisWeb3/st…
On the last Money Moves, Ava Labs’ @MorganKrupetsky and @_PatrickSutton discussed bringing assets on-chain and the value of tokenization. This week, they’re joined by @perkinscr97, President at @coinfund_io, and Jeff Vier, Senior Director of Tokenization at @RepublicCrypto.
Avalanche Community Developer Call twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
How can the flexibility of Subnets drive further interoperability in crypto? Landslide is a great example, leveraging the customization of Subnets and Avalanche Warp Messaging to connect Avalanche and Cosmos. Check out this week’s Developer Spotlight ft. @CosmosAVAX 👇
@AVAXAndrettiFE Spoke too soon 👀 more photos dropped in the #AvalancheHouse Brooklyn album! 📸 flic.kr/s/aHBqjA1Ubj
During this #AvalancheSummit workshop, @BwareLabs's CEO @flavian_bware shows how to create an #NFT project in just a few steps! ⬇️ youtu.be/uVfuMJ-hbUE
Dive into the February edition of Avalanche Watch, a data-driven monthly report covering major news and trends in the Avalanche ecosystem, powered by data and analytics from @TheTieIO 🧐 medium.com/avalancheavax/…
Head to subnets.avax.network to check out multiple new feature releases!
Visualize a better future with other leaders at Unfinished Live 2022, an immersive event exploring how the collision of technology and art can be used to create a more just society. Use promo code AVALANCHE for 25% off festival passes! ⬇️ @byUnfinished live.unfinished.com
How does a decentralized reinsurance protocol like @REprotocol compliantly build a platform using blockchain? Answer: Build on Avalanche Learn more with @Blockworks_: blockworks.co/news/first-blo…
Relive the magic of the ALLSHIPS Dining Club event at @ArtBasel! Thank you to everyone who joined for an evening of creativity, connection and community! Special thanks to @ALLSHIPS and @0xCampfire for making it all possible 🙏 Check out the recap: youtu.be/zf_OTRbNDMs
For all things gaming on #Avalanche, including game updates, new trailers, community discussions, Twitter Spaces and more, make sure to follow the new @GamingOnAvax channel 💪 twitter.com/GamingOnAvax/s…
Congratulations to the upcoming #Avalanche game @playSHRAPNEL for winning the Most Anticipated Game Award! The Shrapnel team is hard at work building their own Subnet and bringing AAA gaming to Web 3 💪 twitter.com/PolkastarterGG…
For devs who love Rust and want to build on Avalanche, the new Rust SDK is out now! Develop and deploy your own virtual machine using Rust, without writing a single line of code in a different language 💪 Learn more ⬇️ twitter.com/_patrickogrady…
Want to permanently scale your dApp to take advantage of the high performance and customization of Subnets? #Avalanche Multiverse is incentivizing the development and adoption of Subnets, learn how you can get involved: medium.com/avalancheavax/…
Usually, being active on multiple chains means using multiple browser extensions, each with performance-usability trade-offs, and each requiring manual configuration. This makes an already complicated UX more frustrating. But it all changes with the latest release of @coreapp.
User experience is vital to mass adoption–how does it compare in Web2 vs. Web3? During this episode of the @SubnetShow, @avalabsofficial's Senior UI Engineer @connorchevli shares his perspective and gives a workshop on #Web3 front-end development. ⬇️ youtu.be/2htP7Z92_-8