𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗛𝗨𝗜 𝗕𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧 東京 LABI新宿東口館 センイル広告プロジェクト 📆6.6~6.12 📍JR新宿駅 LABI新宿東口館(YUNIKA VISION) ✨皆さんくれぐれもお気をつけながら掲載場所に向かってください。 VIDEO\@menjunfei #SEVENTEEN #문준휘 #준 #JUN #文俊辉 #ジュン
LABIスクリーンセンイルプロジェクトはできました。 みんさんくれぐれもお気をつけて見に行ってくださいね。 #문준휘 #준   #세븐틴 #JUN #SEVENTEEN #文俊辉 #ジュン
올리프영 한국 전국매장 응원이 이미 나왔습니다^^ 인증샷 많이 부탁드립니🙇 #문준휘 #준   #세븐틴 #JUN #SEVENTEEN #文俊辉 #ジュン
200610 K-MEDIA全新娱乐weibo update Happy Jun‘s day m.weibo.cn/5241978393/451… #문준휘 #준   #세븐틴 #JUN #SEVENTEEN #文俊辉 #ジュン
JFortepiano and C-Carats have bought 11,784 ablums of SVT mini7 in total. Best support for Junhui and SVT #문준휘 #준  #JUN #文俊辉 #ジュン #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Left_n_Right #행가래 #Henggarae
200622 SEVENTEEN_OFFICIAL update Well we learned? it is very simple ~learn from me quickly🔥 m.weibo.cn/5518837994/451… #문준휘 #준   #세븐틴  #JUN #SEVENTEEN  #文俊辉 #ジュン
200624 SEVENTEEN_OFFICIAL Tiktok update A way to dance when one is bored one plus one🕺✨ #문준휘 #준   #세븐틴   #JUN #文俊辉 #ジュン
200626 Junhui weibo update see u later↔️↔️↔️ #문준휘 #준   #세븐틴 #JUN #SEVENTEEN #文俊辉 #ジュン
200626 Junhui weibo comments one #LeftRightChallenge videos of Elkie(CLC) Junhui:Wow!!!So cool!!! #문준휘 #준   #세븐틴 #JUN #SEVENTEEN #文俊辉 #ジュン
200701 @/TME_official weibo update Junhui will sing <Dream>, the Chinese OST of The King The song will be released tomorrow in QQmusic, Kugou music, and Kuwo music #준   #세븐틴 #JUN #文俊辉 #ジュン
200705 Junhui weibo update Hope all of 2020 graduates can keep the love, the future can be! #문준휘 #준   #세븐틴  #JUN #SEVENTEEN  #文俊辉 #ジュン
201010 虎牙超级偶像联赛 weibo update TIME:20:00~22:00(KST) Oct.12 GUEST:Joshua&Jun JUN's LIVE Link➡️huya.com/660610?shareid… #세븐틴 #준 #SEVENTEEN #JUN #文俊辉 #문준휘 #ジュン
201020 星灿盛世(xcss) weibo update JUN will have a LIVE with THE8 tomorrow afternoon! They will have a chat as well as the ;[Semicolon] unboxing!! TIME:Oct.21th 4pm(KST) #세븐틴 #준 #SEVENTEEN #JUN #文俊辉 #문준휘 #ジュン
JUN will have a LIVE with THE8 tomorrow night!!! They will play the 王者荣耀(Honor of King)with @\剑仙Dxg There are also some surprising Halloween gifts!! 📌TIME: 10.27 20:00~22:00(KST) 📌JUN's Room:huya.com/660610?shareid… #세븐틴 #준 #SEVENTEEN #JUN #文俊辉 #ジュン
201026 Junhui weibo update Because of my work , I often change different hair colors, which resultis in hair damage. Fortunately, Pantene Repair and Protect 3Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner helps me with effective repair #세븐틴 #준 #SEVENTEEN #JUN #文俊辉 #문준휘 #ジュン
201027 狐友小霸 weibo update Explore the world through Reading JUN will share his reading feelings! Download Huyou(狐友) APP&Join JUN 's circle(h5-ol.sns.sohu.com/hy-super-h5/sh…) #세븐틴 #준 #SEVENTEEN #JUN #文俊辉 #문준휘 #ジュン
201224 JUN weibo update Merry Christmas~~~🎄(need some patient for the gift🎁😁😁😁) #세븐틴 #준 #SEVENTEEN #JUN #文俊辉 #문준휘 #ジュン
🎄𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔🎅 191225 SBS가요대전 준 직캠 full ver.👉youtu.be/avQ_RCgM9kE #세븐틴 #준 #SEVENTEEN #JUN #文俊辉 #문준휘 #ジュン