
🌴: am I sick/hurt? No, nothing wrong at all~ #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
200316 Maps Studio Instagram update maps_studio: "MAPS MAGAZINE Vol.143 (JB_A.ver)"Now exclusively available in online. maps-studio.com instagram.com/p/B9xS_QFBbHt/ #JaebeomxMaps #MAPS_STUDIO #mapsmagazine #Def #임재범 #Jaebeom #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
[TRANS] 200706 Def. Instagram story Q. Today’s socks? 🌴: ....not yet Q. Your favourite ramyun? 🌴: Bibi in my left hand and bibi in my right hand.... (reference to Bibim ramyun ad) #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
[TRANS] 200523 DYE Video Call #2 🐥 congratulated him for Be With You reaching 1 Million plays and this was his reaction ❤️ #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official twitter.com/jammanbbom/sta…
Comment: if your mouse is hovering over it you gotta click on it 🌴: hahahhaha you’re so full on (?) 🌴: this is tomorrow today guide, it was called tell me why #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
🌴; there’s an option where you can see only korean comments? I’m not sure if there’s such a thing... I have to change the chat settings? I don’t know how to do that... sorry... at the top right? There’s an X there though... #JB #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
The previous VLIVE ended cause his phone turned off, now he’s back again~ vlive.tv/video/199322 #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
[TRANS] 200613 DYE VC Event #4 🌴: whenever you miss me, just watch this ~~ #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official twitter.com/here106/status…
[Spotify] Check out the Spotify playlist < TrenChill K-R&B > featuring Deepshower and JB’s Higher as well as ØFFSHORE’s Simple and Smoke 🌊 open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d… Note* playlist may slightly differ by location #JB #제이비 #DEF #임재범 #Jaebeom #ØFFSHORE #GOT7 @GOT7Official
🌴: I don’t really like Disney movies Today is a viewable radio~ #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
200413 IG abelwoman: HI, JB! 👋🏻 allure’s first digital cover star of 2020 is none other than @.jaybnow.hr of @.got7.with.igot7 — someone who creates music ~almost as colorful as my makeup (jkjkjk teenager/page/thursday forever) instagram.com/p/B-7KJnoHYCt/… #JB #제이비 #임재범
Pizza vs Burger 🌴: for me burger! I don’t really like pizza that much #JB #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
#Bbomnight 🌴: I’ll always do bboying~ 🌴: you wanna hear banmal? *in banmal* there’s nothing I can’t do ~ we can do it why not ~ #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
🐥: Poems vs novels 🌴: Poems are good for describing detailed emotions whereas novels are good for relating to, if it’s not fantasy #EveryDateWithJB #제이비 #임재범 #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
200424 GOT7 on Music Bank Not By The Moon cam GOT7: youtu.be/qp2pX2Gfjrg JB: youtu.be/j2zXA3E_0SA Don’t forget to like & comment 💚 #JB #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
191116 #GOT7’s Instagram post got7.with.igot7: From the mini fanmeet to the awards ceremony! Twice as good to see ahgase twice!🐥 Thanks to ahgase we could receive the Global Artist award. Sincerely thank you!💚 #갓세븐 instagram.com/p/B47f5ikBJix/… #JB #제이비 #재범 @GOT7Official
200629 H1ghr Music A&R Director Thomas Lee wearing the black #JB_Represent tee in Sik-K's IG stories instagram.com/stories/youngh… instagram.com/stories/youngh… #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official #Def #JBcollection @Represent
[TRANS] 200531 DYE Video Call #3 🐥 praised 🌴 that he composes great music and sings well. 🌴 lowered his head and smiled. He then went near the screen to see the drawing that 🐥 showed him 🌴Who did you draw? 🐥Of course it’s you! 🌴What? Cr: 椰奶环岛- #JB #GOT7 @GOT7Official
[TRANS] 200627 DYE VC Event #5 🐥:Recently It’s really hot! What cold & refreshing drink do you like? 🌴:For me, Cola! 🐥:Aren’t you on a diet these days? (🐥regrets saying this) 🌴:Nono, I move as much as I drink coke. I workout a lot! Cr: 无粉籍快乐 #JB #GOT7 @GOT7Official
[TRANS] 200627 DYE VC Event #5 Jaebeom singing Rainy ☔️ #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official twitter.com/Blossom106_jb/…
Reminder that you can still purchase the physical copy of Allure Magazine May ‘20 issue featuring #JB 🌴 Gmarket: mg.gmarket.co.kr/Item?goodscode… Aladin: aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.… Yes24: m.yes24.com/goods/detail/9… + anywhere where US magazines are usually sold #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7 #갓세븐
[TRANS] 200706 Def. Instagram story Q. I skipped school... def.cnvs: that is dangerous... you should attend school diligently... #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
“I’m surprised so many people like us,” he says in English, so sheepishly that I know he genuinely means it and is not just being a humble idol. “I feel so nervous and happy. So many feelings come to my heart.” #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
🐥: left my exam preparation (?) to watch your live, I love you! 🌴: Ah thank you... thank you but um... your exam is more important >< #JB #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official