The entire government has turned against the people.
If we have $40 billion to send to Ukraine ... then we're being taxed too much.
Our entire Government has turned against us.
Fox News won’t mention 2000 Mules.
Flashback: Fox called Arizona seconds after the polls closed - immediately after they did, 4 swing states where Trump was winning landslides, simultaneously stopped counting ballots and resumed at 3am where almost all ballots were Biden votes.
I’m not dumb enough to vote for the Democrat party - and I’m smart enough to know the Republican party sucks.
This leaves me without a home.
Anyone else feel like I do?
LOL - they cleaned up the illegal's homeless camps off the sidewalks where Joe Biden is touring El Paso, today.
Remember ... everything the Democrat party does is staged and fake. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Joe Biden just got busted twice with highly classified documents - I predict a fake crisis starting any minute now to deflect.
Another one. twitter.com/Motherpuncher2…
Think about the entire weight of the corrupt governments, corporations, media, etc, coming hard at @elonmusk right now - they’re threatening him at every turn.
What is his crime? Trying to provide free speech to everyone, equally, on both sides.
We have to stand with him.
Twitter is back to shadow-banning and removing followers of conservative accounts.
In case you’re wondering @elonmusk
Let's look back at some of Time Magazine's Person of Year winners ... 😂
1938 - Adolf Hitler
1939 - Joesph Stalin
1942 - Joesph Stalin (again)
2007 - Vladimir Putin
You can't make this shit up. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
If they banned gas stoves - 99% of restaurants in the USA would have to close tomorrow.
Mock these stupid idiots, laugh at them, and never comply.
I won't be lectured about "my body, my choice" from Democrats who tried to force vaccine mandates for the past 2 years.
Talk to the paw, commies.
Reminder ...
The biggest story of the year was the Twitter Files proving the FBI and CIA colluded with Big Tech to interfere and throw our elections.
Legacy media has refused to cover it - because they were all in on it.
STOP. WATCHING. TV. NEWS. twitter.com/AMC_Apee/statu…
Breaking …
CBS has confirmed that the Hunter laptop, where thousands of pictures have been all over the internet for 2 years - is actually real. 😂😂😂
They should be embarrassed.
There's a historic uprising around the world against the evil New World Order - and the fake news media isn't even covering it.
The only reason these so-called journalists would want to dox @elonmusk real time location - is because they want him and his family harassed or harmed.
This is nothing new - this is how the Left operates.
They always lash out with violence when they don't get their way.
Just so you know ...
In secret, trying to overthrow a sitting President is treason.
And there it is ... #HillaryForPrison is the #1 trend in the USA. 😂
You did it again.
What Elon Musk revealed yesterday is the Biden regime is the most corrupt pResidency in U.S. history.
These are all slimy, crooked, treasonous traitors - and they should all be in prison.
After what @elonmusk revealed about #TwitterGate - I never want to hear the phrase "free and fair elections" coming from the FBI, big tech fact checkers, the media, or the Democrat party, ever again. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…