Catturd ™(@catturd2)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Dear Libs: - I'm never buying one of your worthless electric cars. - I'm never eating horrible plant-based meat. - I'm never going to use dumb AF pronouns. - I'm never going to wear a mask. - I'm never going to get vaccinated or boostered. - and no - you're not "resist" - I am.
Have you noticed - the longer people stay in college, the dumber they get?
I paid $270 at the grocery store this weekend - and my cart wasn’t even all the way full. Joe Biden and the Democrat party have completely destroyed the U.S. economy in record time. How a single person votes for these commie losers is beyond me.
President Trump wasn’t a liar - he was painfully truthful. After decades of being lied to by politicians, people couldn’t handle it. The deep state, media, RINOs, Democrats couldn’t believe he was actually telling the truth to Americans. They panicked and tried to destroy him.
What Elon Musk just released is unbelievable. WOW!
"To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true." - Elon Musk.
After what they did to us and President Trump for four years - there’s not a chance in hell I’ll ever unite with Joe Biden, his voters, or anybody in his hateful, pitiful, embarrassing regime.
Millions of secret conversations across the USA are going on right now, in households, at dinner tables, at sporting events, at barber shops, at business lunches. Rich and poor are venting about what a complete disaster Joe Biden is and how much better everything was under Trump.
In only 18 months - these dumbass losers in the Biden regime have gotten us into a recession, record high gas prices, and the worst inflation in 40 years. Imagine still supporting these freaking idiots?
The last thing Americans, who can't afford gas and groceries, care about is the laughable, kangaroo court Jan 6 witch hunt.
How the hell is this POS con artist not in handcuffs yet?…
Selfish opinion ... I don't want DeSantis to run for President in 2024. We need him here in Florida. What he's done for my state is a miracle and is extremely important. He's young and has plenty of time to win the presidency after his full 8 year term is up in Florida.
4 more days until liberals cry about Thanksgiving and try to ruin that, too.
The FBI just put out a statement basically saying … We’re the greatest thing since sliced bread and you peasants are a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Their arrogance is almost impossible to take.
Kevin McCarthy just lost the 10th vote. Time for him to step down.
Never forget what President Trump did for us.
I'm old enough to remember when everything was 100x better under President Trump
Lot of Democrats catching that new COVID variant. ScaredShitlessOfWhat’sOnHunter’sLaptop-19
'The View' is the biggest source of misinformation in America… via @nypost
Arrest AOC !!!
Good morning to everyone except the 14 backstabbing, low-life, sellout, gun-grabbing Republican Senators who voted with the Democrats on gun control. Never give another dime to the GOP - they hate you.