HELP apparently hoshi kept continuously doing horanghae and carats were following him so the fans of other groups in the back were saying “it’s like a religion here this is so interesting” 😭😭 twitter.com/luvmyming/stat…
op asked through a friend if there’s anything that stresses hoshi out or anything difficult even though he debuted seven years ago
🐯 difficult things, they’re always there, but isn’t it like that for every single person? because we’re human, we all have our hardships.. twitter.com/_tigerinmymind…
220605 weverse ❤️ #호시
“i know more than anyone else how much carats have worked hard
thank you so much^^
thanks to everyone, i had a lot of fun during this promotion and i'm so happy to be with carats as we perform”
[full translation in the first pic]
🐯 praise bring green without hesitation! (just do it reference)
🍊 you really need to do it without hesitation
🐯 it's the best cosmetic product in my life!
⚔️ ohh
🍊 really?
🐯 yes!
🍊 ok!
🐯 i will now pick out the 4th question! "whenever i see seventeen, my face gets red... what should i do to calm my skin down when this happens?"
🐯 hm... when you look at seventeen, your face gets red. when that happens-
🍊 they're those who have sensitive skin, right?
“yes~ we are here together like this!” booseok laughing at his cuteness 🥲🧡
crying he kept on checking himself out in the mirror
💎 then did sy not know that sy’s lips are pretty?
🐯 yeah.. are my lips pretty?
💎 yeah ㅠㅠ very pretty!
🐯 but maybe it's like that because i put lip balm on
💎 no~~ sy’s lips have always been pretty! soonyoung-ah... you're so handsome
🐯 thank you~ twitter.com/Shireal0615/st…
💎 soonyoung-ah! you're the only tiger for me
🐯 i'm the only tiger!
💎 right, you're my only tiger!
🐯 the last tiger 😁 twitter.com/Shireal0615/st…
q. what did you think when you first saw the choreography (for ‘hot’)?
🐯 i really liked it. i really liked it, and i wanted to dance to it quickly, and i wanted to show it (to carats) as soon as possible
q. has there been anything that was ‘hot’ for you these days?
🐯 we had our fanmeeting, hanabi. that’s when i felt ‘HOT’ness (from the fans)
⚔️ there were many people that came as well
hoshi HOT cut
hoshi’s stage presence is unmatched he just never fails to captivate the audience