
op asked treasure’s haruto about hoshi 💬 was hoshi-kun’s face small? 👤 hoshi-kun… his face was small and they (hoshi and seungkwan) were so kind. i was shocked. (my) heart felt warm. twitter.com/syk20010723/st…
blue check challenge with hoshi and dino!
230113 ho5hi_kwon ig story “@/leesoohyuk”
choi youngjun talking about the time hoshi lent him clothes for smf, which he also briefly mentioned on today’s live! he added that hoshi didn’t let him return everything and hoshi gave him a lot of gifts full translations below twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
when the call ended, the members of one million said that hoshi was very loyal. donghae also said that when hoshi appeared on their show, his face looked like he was comfortable and (to them), he gave a “my dongsaeng” vibe. (cont.)
hoshi said he was inside a car because he just ended his schedule for today
hoshi will be having a surprise appearance to show his support for one milllion on their first variety show appearance on d&e! twitter.com/kr_now/status/…
🐯 to those who haven't tried drinking itsa, make sure to try it! 💎 what song have you been listening to these days? 🐯 songs by day6 ^^ 💎 what should i eat/drink after exercising? 🐯 protein
💎 no but it seems like there's no drama that oppa hasn't watched? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 🐯 i like dramas ㅋㅋㅋㅋ wednesday, where emma appeared on, is also fun!! 💎 have you watched the glory? 🐯 yes yes!
💎 seems like soonyoungie will only be having itsa for a while? 🐯 that's how it should be ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 💎 hoshi can you recommend me some alcohol (t/n: 술/sul in korean)? 🐯 magic~~~~ (t/n: 마술/masul) 💎 mine is your lips (t/n: 입술/ipsul)~ 🐯 🫢
💎 isn’t it too late for this 🐯 i’m sorry 💎 it tastes like cigarettes…. 🐯 i’m a nonsmoker so i wouldn’t know ㅋㅋ 💎 isn’t it iced tea with a shot added,? 🐯 yes it was really tasty ㅋㅋㅋ
230112 hoshi weverse update 🐯 carats.. do you happen to know what iasa means??? (t/n: iasa is an acronym for “iced americano shot added”)
he’s so cute
yg_treasure_official tiktok update with hoshi and seungkwan!
hoshi seems to have asked jeonghan to cheer for newjeans with him then gave them a thumbs up
“you, who is like the sky @/junhui_moon” banner: “oh right, you say it's booseoksoon's first comeback? if there's something you don't know about, go ask seventeen sunbaenim^^ from. seventeen's jun sunbaenim who is like the sky”
💎 i’m really looking forward to bookseoksoon’s comeback !!! 😁 🐯 we’re in the middle of preparing very enthusiastically 🔥 (cute tone) 💎 eat breakfast first [before working so hard] booseoksoon 🐯 i ate breakfast in the morning~ (cute tone)
💎 are u filming the mv?? (pic trans: teacher, please live long..) 🐯 yassu!
230110 ho5hi_kwon ig story "master, may you live a long and happy life.. @/jjongsoo_hyelim"
230110 hoshi weverse update
“@/amiparis THX💚”
members of &team were asked who their role model/person they admire in seventeen is and five of them (k, jo, harua, taki, and ej) picked hoshi!
treasure’s doyoung mentioned hoshi on weverse! 💬 doyoung-ah! when you guys got your award, hoshi sunbaenim was the first one to get up for you! he looked really proud! 👏👏 👤 i really like hoshi sunbaenim! ㅜㅜ