A contemplating man in his newly obtained designer jacket (it's Tom Ford) |220521
getting back into things by continuing where I left off: all of Hinatas outfits throughout "The Job" by @Esselle_hq as far as the story goes right now because this men plays dressup with a capsule wardrope like no other
commission for @DangCommaAnnie who wanted to see me draw 500 items of shop inventory just so Coach and Teach had a room to spend their afterhours in ;) Thank you again for this challenge!
Remember how I said Hinata plays dressup like no other? Kageyama outdressed him easily, oops. All his outfits in "The Job" by @Esselle_hq came to a total of twenty (and I didn't even include his business class slippers)
"I like the beach,"Tobio announced. Hinata sighed happily, face turned up to the sky, eyes closed."It's a nice beach." Tobio stared at him, at the way the sun lit his face, eyes drawn to Hinata's light eyelashes in particular, shining in the glow. He swallowed. "Yeah, it's nice."
R.A.P.T.O.R |Regionalized Agency for the Protection of Transnational Operations and Relations |The Job by @Esselle_hq archiveofourown.org/works/26393653…
Kageyama Miwa - 影山 美羽 - Hair & Makeup Artist Casual No.2
"You," she said. "Stand up straight. No more looking down." |The Job by @Esselle_hq archiveofourown.org/works/26393653…
"Reach out, take a hold and carry beyond." |091021
|| C.I.T.I Citywide Infrastructural Technology Integration |250921 archiveofourown.org/works/26393653…
It's Tsukkis Birthday again and by now it's a tradition that @blueprin19 commissions me for sweet and wholesome Tsukki fam life in celebration of it! It's truly crazy how fast the kids grow up😉
☀️🍑 |171021
some day in Asakusa |221121
preview of my piece for @surveycorpstddk's story with @airini_3 as beta! Be excited for a childhood friendship developing through the years within a royalty AU👑 @kagehinabigbang can come!
Today's our day, @kagehinabigbang is here! The following thread is dedicated to @surveycorpstddk story of fate and longing, beta-ed by the loving @airini_3. Thank you all so much for a wonderful experience!✨ — Like we never meant anything we said — archiveofourown.org/works/35852269
"At the age of nineteen, Shouyou’s parents want him to marry for the sake of the kingdom."
— "He knows Kageyama too well. He knows Kageyama always looks him in the eye, no matter what; it’s a sign of the mutual respect between them, the equality they have worked years to establish, no matter their ranks or roles. Now, he can tell Kageyama isn’t looking at his face." —
— “Again,” Kageyama says, voice much softer and quieter this time, and Shouyou feels the words whispered against his skin. “I love you,” Shouyou says instantly. —
— "With the silver moonlight streaking across Kageyama’s face, Shouyou wonders whether he’s ever going to be able to look away again — so drawn to the view, so naturally pulled in by the sight of Kageyama above him, below him, wherever, just Kageyama always." —
Hinata was warm and solid beneath Tobio, his eyes were soft and fond, and Tobio relaxed, laying fully over him, melting into him. "Hi," Hinata said. "Falling for me,"Tobio whispered. Hinata slid a hand up his side, stroked his shoulder, pressed his palm to Tobio's cheek. "Yeah."
Now there's only one thing I can do Fight until the end like I promised to Wishing there was something left to lose This could be the day I die for you - | The Job archiveofourown.org/works/26393653…
Hinata "Big Brother to seven Orphans" Shouyou | The Job archiveofourown.org/works/26393653…