CJ ENM films expected to hit theaters between the end of this year and early 2022:
Happy New Year #LeeDongWook
Hero #KimGoEun
Decision To Leave #ParkChanWook
Alien #KimTaeri
Ghost #ParkSoDam #HoneyLee
Confidential Assignment 2 #LimYoona
Broker #HirokazuKoreeda #IU #BaeDoona
Korean films to be released on 1st half of 2022:
Point Men #HyunBin
Confidential Assignment 2 #LimYoona
Broker #IU #BaeDoona
Outlaws 2 #MaDongSeok
Concrete Utopia #LeeByungHun #ParkBoYoung
The Witch 2 #KimDami #ParkEunBin
Pirates 2 #KangHaNeul
Emergency Declaration #JeonDoYeon
#IU’s 3 level high note on Good Day is so iconic and eternal that almost 12 years later everyone still knows the reference to it! 🔥💜
Broker team with director Koreeda Hirokazu, Song Kang-ho, Lee Ji-eun, Lee Joo-young & Gang Dong-won have arrived on the red carpet at Cannes Film Festival for the world premiere of Broker (브로커, 2022)!
#아이유 #IU #Cannes2022 #CannesFilmFestival2022 #BrokerInCannes
This moment in First Love 初恋 when Yae remembers Harumichi while listening to Utada Hikaru’s First Love, bringing back all those long lost memories… the momentum, the feeling, it felt so earned and so powerful. Now that’s poetic cinema!
“You are always gonna be the one.” 😭
First official teaser for Park Chan-wook’s new film, Decision To Leave (헤어질 결심, 2022) starring Tang Wei, Park Hae-il, Lee Jung-hyun, Go Kyung-pyo & Park Yong-woo!
Releasing in theaters on June 29th and premiering at the Cannes Festival!
Song Kang-ho won Best Actor award for his performance in Broker (브로커, 2022) at Cannes Film Festival! 🏆🥳
#Cannes2022 #CannesFilmFestival2022 #BrokerInCannes #SongKangho
It’s so funny how we knew this 6 months ago, but now western media announcing this as “news”, just because he’s trending in the West 😭 twitter.com/netflix/status…
Opening credits of Koreeda Hirokazu’s Netflix drama, Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House (舞妓さんちのまかないさん, 2023)’, now out on Netflix! 🤍
Congratulations to some of my favs for their nominations at the 42nd Blue Dragon Film Awards! Jeon Jong-seo for Call, Jeon Yeo-been for Night In Paradise, Lim Yoona for Miracle and Krystal for More Than Family!🥳💜
#JeonJongseo #JeonYeobeen #LimYoona #Krystal
Tang Wei won Best Actress for her role in Decision To Leave (헤어질 결심, 2022) at the 43rd Blue Dragon Film Awards! And speaking Korean, Chinese & English during her speech! And getting the award from Moon Sori!😭🤍
#湯唯 #tangwei
#43rdBlueDragonFilmAwards #BlueDragonFilmAwards
happy 6th anniversary to the greatest cinematic masterpiece 💜
“she is the saviour who came to tear my life apart. my tamako, my sookhee.”
아가씨 • the handmaiden (2016) 🇰🇷
directed & co-written by park chan-wook
starring kim min-hee, kim tae-ri
The 42n Blue Dragon Film Awards, which will be held on November 26, has announced its 2021 nominees!
Full nomination list:
#Krystal #JeonYeoBeen #SongJoongki #ByunYohan #LeeYumi #JeonJongSeo #KimHyeSoo #MoonSori #LimYoona #BlueDragonFilmAwards #BlueDragonAwards
This Netflix discourse is so goddamn dumb 😭 wanting a kdrama on Netflix is not about “needing validation”, it’s about ACCESSIBILITY. Accessibility to a much wider range of audiences beyond the kdrama bubble. And not everyone can afford to pay multiple apps.
Still thinking about when Eunji perfectly sang the high notes from the classic ‘Tears’ while lying down in an uncomfortable position. Truly one of the best vocalists in kpop! 💜
#JungEunji #Apink #RunningMan #Eunji
New report - Two new films with the possibility of release in December/January:
CJ ENM’s Hero (영웅) #KimGoEun
Lotte’s Life Is Beautiful (인생은 아름다워)
Also, CJ ENM plans to release Alien (외계+인) at latest on Summer 2022 #KimTaeri #RyuJoonYeol #KimWooBin
The way Jeon Yeo-been can completely transform for each one of her roles is astonishing and proves how she’s one of the most outstanding actors of her time! 🤍
#전여빈 #jeonyeobeen #jeonyeobin