🎂 WOOZI'S BIRTHDAY HASHTAG🎂 Seventeen genius producer and vocal team leader day!! It's woozi day. Let's use these hashtags to celebrate it! 👇 #우지_생일축하하는_클리셰발동_삥 #OurRubyWOOZIday @pledis_17 ⏰: NOW!!
REPEAT AFTER US!! Last day at 11AM KST I’m voting for SEVENTEEN (@pledis_17) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs 🔁 RT to vote ✅ 300 rep
LAST DAY!! If you had the chance, which SVT concert would you like to attend? Time to voting for SEVENTEEN ( @pledis_17 ) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs                                               🔁 RT to vote ✅ 300 rep
[2022 MAMA VOTING] SPOTIFY MASS VOTING •Spotify open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d… 📅: Until Nov 24th Guide :bit.ly/3gHl2o5 📝: LETS BRING MORE THROPY FOR #SEVENTEEN!! The gap 🚨🚨 @pledis_17 #DREAM #Our_VOTEHotter_ThanDay
[MAMA RESET MASS VOTING] It's reset time, if you already vote before, you can vote again now!! Let's take over #7 #Our_VOTEHotter_ThanDay •Website 2022mama.com/vote @pledis_17 SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM
[#BETHESUN OSAKA D1 SETLIST ] Here the setlist for Osaka D1, Japan stop. Did you enjoy the concert today? Looking forward another dome tour stop! 🔥🔥 #BETHESUNwithSVT #BETHESUNinOsaka #BeTheSunInJapan @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp
[MAMA MASS VOTING SCHEDULE] Let's together for last week's mama voting, here mass voting schedule for Carats. Spread, retweet, share on all platform. Let's go!! #Our_VOTEHotter_ThanDay @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴
[#BeTheSun SCHEDULE] SEVENTEEN Be the sun in Japan will start today at Kyocera Dome, Osaka. it's starting today!! @pledis_17 1st Dome tour. Congratulation @pledis_17jp let's rock the venue and have fun seventeen & carats^^ #BeTheSuninOsaka SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM
D-1 Do any seventeen members have the same birthday as you? who? Time to voting for SEVENTEEN ( @pledis_17 ) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs                                            🔁 RT to vote ✅ 300 replies
[WWFC 2022 MAMA] #TakeOverCARATS we need 13k to catch up, don't wait for later. If you can, vote now then goo!! •Website 2022mama.com/vote @pledis_17 SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM
@pledisnews They sold out 270,000 tickets for thier dome tour, their popularity are insane. Congratulation 🎉🎉@pledis_17 @pledis_17jp SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM
[#DREAM VIEWS UPDATE] Current views: 4,142,093 🎉 Another milestone for #SVT_DREAM! Good job, Carats!! Let's continue streaming Carats and don't forget to Shazam the song! 😍💎 ▶️: youtu.be/6H8QHeC_VPs #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17jp @pledis_17
@pledis_17 🥰🥰🥰 carat love I’m voting for SEVENTEEN (@pledis_17) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
[🗳️] 2022 MELON MUSIC AWARDS LAST DAY!! 🏆 Ranking #4 Top 10 Artists (Bonsang) #4 Artist of the Year #3 Album of the Year - Face the Sun #3 Best Male Group #4 Netizen Popularity Award 📅 : Until Nov 18th 📝 : Must have verified account @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴
@pledis_17 The title is 'ot13 by dokyeom', thank you dk 🥰🥰 I’m voting for SEVENTEEN (@pledis_17) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
Write one by one seventeen songs (it's day-2 voting closes) Time to voting for SEVENTEEN ( @pledis_17 ) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs                                         🔁 RT to vote ✅ 1k replies
[#HOT VIEWS UPDATE] Current views: 90,003,045 🎉 Good Job, Carats! 😍 HOT has now reached 90M Views on YouTube! Let's pick up the pace Carats & continue streaming to 100M! 🔥 Next target 🔜 100M! 🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw #SVT_HOT #세븐틴    @pledis_17
[BILLBOARD JAPAN HOT 100 TASK] Dont forget to add 🌐💎 on your dn‼️ Your favorite vocal team songs + @pledis_17 SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM @pledis_17jp Go carats!!
Your favorite solo song? Time to voting for SEVENTEEN ( @pledis_17 ) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs                                      🔁 RT to vote ✅ 200 replies
[BILLBOARD JAPAN] Congrats to Woozi, Bumzu for charting on the Composer and Lyricist Charts of Billboard Japan. #WOOZI, BUMZU HOT 100 Composers - #29 HOT 100 Lyricists - #29 @pledis_17jp #SEVENTEEN
[BILLBOARD JAPAN] All of #SEVENTEEN entries on the Billboard Charts this week (11/16 charts) #1 Artist 100 #DREAM EP entries: #1 Hot Albums #1 Top Album Sales #2 Download Albums #SVT_DREAM Song Entries: #27 Hot 100 #17 Streaming Songs #97 Download Songs @pledis_17jp
Your favorite Dino Danceology? Today voting count for SEVENTEEN ( @pledis_17 ) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs                                   🔁 RT to vote ✅ 200 replies
[STREAMING] Don't forget to stream and reach another milestone for #SEVENTEEN •HOT youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw Current views: 89,670,963 •#DREAM youtu.be/6h8qhec_vps Current views:youtu.be/6H8QHeC_VPs @pledis_17 SEVENTEEN #SVT_DREAM @pledis_17jp
Your favorite song by performance team? Today voting count for SEVENTEEN (@pledis_17) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs                                   🔁 RT to vote ✅ 200 replies
@pledisnews Congratulation #SEVENTEEN for winning 64t Japan Record Awards 'Special International Music Awards' Category @pledis_17 SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM