🌙 Orrery/nim(@orrery_nim)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

@loonatheworld Jinsoul (when asked about which song is her favorite): hold on I'm listening I think my favorite is Pale Blue Dot But I think all the songs are good in this album? Other than POSE, should I say it feels like the dreamy vibe's kinda back as a whole
@loonatheworld Hyunjin: Favorite song from this album Playback Thought hard about it And Pale Blue Dot Pale Blue Dot~ Pale Blue Dot feels mmm... Slightly like Stylish
(Press release excerpt) The green trees, blue sky, and 12 chairs of various sorts shown with the tracklist offer a mysterious and refreshing/cooling summer atmosphere. Title track "Flip That" is a house-based song, showing the girls' bold goal to flip the world upside down. 1/2
One can properly feel the bright energy unique to LOONA with a rhythm that changes without rest and a colorful composition. The addictive melody in the chorus leaves an impact, to complete LOONA's summer song to blow away the summer heat. entertain.naver.com/read?oid=112&a… 2/2
[LIVE] #LOONA Yeojin is live on VLIVE vlive.tv/video/285200
Her bias lately in LOONA has been Yves - she's been very cute lately
[LIVE] #LOONA Yves is live on VLIVE vlive.tv/post/0-29427155
Then near the end, holding a torch, you know, really intense, like... LOONA's going all out this time, even doing a show with flames.. See, my hair's a spoiler.
- Thoughts on the title track? I think when fans see the performance, they'll think, "LOONA, with this song? With this concept? So they're finally doing a song like this?"
Q: could you wink for us?
so I wondered if... (Jinsoul appears)
Jinsoul says her hair's pressed down because she was wearing headphones Jinsoul: Orbits, know why I was wearing headphones? We should already have finished recording, so wonder why I was wearing headphones? You know, right? (pic)
Yves says her tears were definitely not from sadness of not winning- Jinsoul's stomach keeps rumbling and Yves says to please be quiet while she's being serious [Yves forgets what she was talking about] Yves: I teared up for Orbits who've been with us the whole time,
Q: Something you're wanting the most ("tam-i-na"-ing) lately? Winning a music show
(presumably reads a chat request)
[LIVE] #LOONA Haseul is live on VLIVE for "Latte Talk with Haseul" #3 Attempt #1 (restarts stream because she started in rotated portrait) Attempt #2 (tries again) Attempt #3: "Latte talk with Haseul sunbaenim 3☕️😭" vlive.tv/post/1-29435245 Haseul: "Working now, right?"
Showing today's outfit - she wore this since it was pretty hot today
I just want to be an honest singer. I could get in trouble from the company for saying things like this, saying that I sing but don't make much money? I'm just happy to sing. So if we could make a happy amount, and I could set up a small performance hall,
I think I changed out of this around PTT era. Heejin said I try to take care of the members so much that parts of my brain is allotted to memorizing things about the members, pointing this and that out. Heejin said to free up some head space,
Like whether it's true or not, just leave nice things, if you touch the others I won't stay put. Warning from the leader, I'm scary when I'm angry - but I don't check out that kind of stuff often. I just see the fans.
It's not a bad thing to remember a lot of thing but it's about remembering bad things. I said this recently but I'm fine with negative remarks about me, but towards the group I can't really contain myself, I say not to look that. I'm the warning, like don't look,
Why can't I say it? Any reason? I can say it! Only good things will happen to LOONA from now.