🌙 Orrery/nim(@orrery_nim)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Dancer/choreographer ig: auspicious_jsoyeon with #LOONA -- 17hrs 15min into Queendom 2 Round 1 tracking (of 96hrs) Watch & press Like on the performance vid: youtube.com/watch?v=87fKv0… Vote (1 vote/acc/day, can make multiple accs) mnet.world/community/main…
Professional archer An San voting for #WJSN and #LOONA on Queendom 2 "Win for me.. I want to see the comeback show.." twitter.com/ANSAN/status/1…
In the first week of April 2022, - #Queendom2 was again the most talked-about non-drama TV show - #8 most talked-about non-drama TV appearance: #LOONA via Gooddata Corp: instagram.com/p/CcO1TgGvUg5/ #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld
"Queen's Commentary" - #LOONA themselves tell the behind the scenes of the 1st round performance | PTT (Paint the Town) youtube.com/watch?v=_hMIIO… @loonatheworld #이달의소녀
Haseul: Hyeju you really ate here!! Olivia Hye: I ate? Haseul: yeah Olivia Hye: Nyum
Blockberry Creative - #LOONA fancafe update about Fab usage etiquette based on staff monitoring 1. Prohibited: malicious accusations, slander, or other defamatory comments towards the artists (cont..) cafe.daum.net/loonatheworld/… (1/...)
Trending on Twitter Korea after Queendom2 Ep3: 11: LOONA['s] stage
Full version of #LOONA's Queendom 2 Round 2 performance is now live for streaming (tracking lasts 4 days) youtube.com/watch?v=ytuMOb…
Yves: (pastes someone telling her about this tweet on fab) "i like u too" Olivia Hye: What? Cardi B said she liked LOONA's Shake It? 🙊 Daebak Go Won: Is this April Fools...? How did Cardi B sunbaenim .......⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ I'll listen to Cardi B sunbaenim's latest song a lot too❤️ twitter.com/iamcardib/stat…
VIVIZ Umji (about when LOONA performed) Kyak This is my fav stage 😍 I was planning to replay the clip over and over again after it aired twitter.com/wwaannzzaa/sta…
#WJSN Eunseo At Queendom I got to know a lot of people! Lots of people came up to me So I feel really good and finally got close with Hyeju* too Hyeju's great * t/n: #LOONA Olivia Hye twitter.com/leegucci_/stat… twitter.com/leegucci_/stat…
In the 2nd week of April 2022, Most talked about non-drama TV show this week: #1: Mnet #Queendom2 Most talked about non-drama TV show appearances this week: #3: #LOONA on Mnet Queendom2 Data: Gooddata Corp instagram.com/p/Ccg3nUkJKj_/ @loonatheworld #이달의소녀
Data from RACOI for the second week of April show: - #LOONA was the #1 non-drama TV appearance w/ the most online buzz - #Queendom2 was the #2 TV show w/ the most online buzz (dramas included; #1 was the drama Our Blues) racoi.or.kr/kobaco/nreport… @loonatheworld #이달의소녀
Hyolyn picks So What: I want to make a really nice song and present it like a gift to LOONA. (LOONA sent a cheering video msg while she was preparing, after all the kind words she sent them) Hyolyn: This group chat the most people of all the chats I'm in... So much energy in here
#WJSN Exy Ah I got to know someone #LOONA Hyunjinie ㅎㅇㅎ She asked for my contact info first so>_< we texted too &agreed to meet up laterr Im also weak to people who take initiative firstㅜ It's not because i'm an inssa.. if it's not with the members I can't say a word ㅋㅋㅋㅋ twitter.com/chugeundeok_nd…
#LOONA Haseul and Choerry will throw the first pitch/bat at the pro baseball (KBO League) game on April 29, 6:30PM KST instagram.com/p/CcziNQELzMP/ #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld
Queendom2 behind the scenes clip w. #LOONA on their way to round 2 youtube.com/watch?v=YZGEto…
#LOONA Yeojin and #Kep1er Dayeon had a surprise stream (missed a bit) Yeojin's first impression nickname for Dayeon: baby squirrel Dayeon's first impression nickname for Yeojin: Thumbelina
#WJSN Eunseo Instagram Story (ft #LOONA Olivia Hye) Me Son Hyeju
#WJSN Seola post ft #LOONA Yves: "I think she's so cute (got permission to show this to ujungs)" twitter.com/Seola_Save/sta…
Q: unnie any thoughts about Trouble Maker with Hyeju (#LOONA Olivia Hye)? #WJSN Eunseo: hey Hyeju I answered while watching the show yesterday but I'd really like to do that with you twitter.com/chugeundeok_nd…
#LOONA Haseul and Choerry heading to the KIA Tigers KBO League game (for the first pitch / first bat ⚾️) twitter.com/tinit_h/status…
[ENG] Chuu Can Do It w/ HolyBang from SWF youtube.com/watch?v=td6fbx…
PROWDMON Monika on her fans' open chatroom on kkt: I really worked hard on queendom, I don't know how it'll appear on the show, but so that the team I got could move onto the next competition with confidence, even while the camera was off, [1/2]