🌙 Orrery/nim(@orrery_nim)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Two stories A convenience store customer who has friends in broadcasting sees Chuu gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board… A convenience store worker hears students talking about celebs all the time - and no one believes Blockberry Creative gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board…
Naver Search: The preview description for Blockberry Creative's Namuwiki entry (also the top search result) currently starts with "Korea's dumbass trash company." (The article itself has been updated) search.naver.com/search.naver?q…
I can say this much right now, for those understandably feeling antsy given the current public interest Announcement related to helping the #LOONA members coming this weekend With fan organizers in Korea, various fanbases are in, Subbits are in twitter.com/TeamReOrbit_/s…
IG noh_hl, cheerleader (was on Stage Up and Chuu Can Do It) posting photos with Chuu "Finally uploading these pictures ❤︎ So kind,,, and fun,, I was happy to film with her😚" instagram.com/p/ClitvBEJsCc/
Updated link to statement (now pinned on their account): instagram.com/p/ClizGK5PusI/
#LOONA Hyunjin on the panel for MBC's 2022 World Cup Preview Show (Final appearance)
inspick_mask on Instagram: Statement from Inspick in support of Chuu instagram.com/p/CliuynPPE7v/
From the wiki entry about the Chuu situation: [About nine of the remaining members suing to terminate their contracts,] "BlockBerry Creative gave their position, saying 'we found that these claims were baseless.' However, almost no one believes this."
BBCreative tries to get content that makes them look bad removed from Namuwiki (the less substantial, but much-more popular Korean wiki) while threatening legal action Sends requests to the wrong place The posts get reported BBCreative account gets warnings for rule violations
3. Two separate people said they saw Chuu today at the Lotte Department Store in Myeongdong One of the two claimed to have seen her signing something there, and said the atmosphere seemed good
2. CCDI Writer IG Story "Infinite Challenge has a moment for everything" (T/N: A variety show. Same joke as having a Simpsons moment for everything) - In the scene the guy's saying that you can't have evidence for something you didn't even do
Amusing things on the side about all this stuff lately: 1. There's someone on the Luna server on Maplestory using the megaphone (which sends the message to everyone online in the server), telling BBCreative CEO Lee Jongmyeong to pay back 30B KRW (the taxes he's delinquent on)
Two staff members in support of Chuu (Instagram Stories) 1. MUPLY staff member for LOONA's web miniseries "B-Side" 2. Dingo staff member for multiple LOONA shoots, including "Mafia Dance" gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board…
[ENG] Munhwa News article excerpt: PD for EBS show "The Dreamers" supports Chuu; already knew about Chuu's prior lawsuit; has a hard time believing the agency; no screentime changes for Chuu are planned mhns.co.kr/news/articleVi…
On "Blind" (anonymous SNS that only shows your employer) "The agency is painting Chuu as someone loathsome. They didn't even give Chuu a manager, to the point that she was taking taxis. Due to payment settlement issues, they're making a media play."
Investigator: But to see that she's gotten none of that money, you can't help but to say out loud: isn't there a problem here? Host: You know, her talking about payments on a show, do you think the agency tried to discourage her from this sort of behavior?
And on another show she mentioned not receiving any income for the year before. Everyone. This Ms. Chuu here has done advertisements for a beverage, promotion for the ocean, chicken. Bank card. Ramen. Education platform. She's had countless appearances so you'd expect money,
Host: Okay. So the 3 key points to check out for this situation. 1) Paid 0 KRW? Investigator panelist: Typically, if I ask you if you're being paid, if you are, you just say: yeah? nothing out of the ordinary with getting paid. But when Defconn asked her, she said "no, not yet~"
Host to the law panelist: So of the 12 members, 1 is out, and 9 remaining are suing for contract terminations, isn't this essentially a disbandment for the group?
Reporter: But there's a new update as well - other than Hyunjin and Vivi, the other 9 members are in a lawsuit to terminate their contracts. Host: Oh really? Reporter: Yes (she quotes the report: due to breach of mutual trust) * [ENG] Full report: twitter.com/gointosubbit/s…
Host: When an agency uses a term like "expulsion" they have to bring forth details of the situation, don't they? Reporter panelist: Yes. So the producers were curious about the details of this "power trip" and called to investigate, but got no answer.
Psych panelist: But I do remember encouraging her and saying that I think she has other concerns she hasn't shared. but since this was last year I think she was facing this issue on her own. So I hope the truth comes out.
Host: Cried, in front of you? Psych panelist: We were recording, and her tears started coming out. And I don't think that was at all a lie.
After her aforementioned analysis, the panelist had told Chuu that it is quite a hard occupation to be an idol in your 20s, and you miss out on a lot in that timespan, and Chuu cried hard when hearing that
So though she doesn't know the details of the issue, people around Chuu saying that she's not that kind of a person, she understands what sort of nuance this entails. Members support her too (she quotes Hyunjin asking for people to support Chuu)