All for Jin D-481(@jinnieslamp)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

If you see this tweet, reply with: Listen to #BTS_Butter by #BTS the best selling song of 2021 @BTS_twt
If you see this tweet, reply with: Listen to #Yours_Jin the best OST of 2021 and #SuperTuna_Jin the global viral hit song by #JIN of @BTS_twt
Jin has surpassed 27 million followers on his official instagram account! Follow and turn on notifs: #Yours_Jin #SuperTuna_Jin #Jin @BTS_twt
Today marks 700 days with Jin’s special song full of love dedicated to ARMY. Let’s celebrate by streaming and sharing our messages of appreciation for our Moon with the hashtags 🎉 #700DaysWithMoon #문_700일_축하해 @BTS_twt
220119 Jin on j-hope’s instagram post 🐹 Do you lay it out like that before you get dressed? It's cuteㅋㅋ 🐹 Jwehope, all of a sudden there are a lot of posts from people I don't know. Why is this happening? It says recommendation, but I don't want to get recommendations.
“Yours” release in Japan 🇯🇵 November 24, 2021 Hashtag and keyword: # Jinからの贈り物Yours (Gift from Jin Yours) YOURS OUT IN JAPAN J-ARMYs, are you ready? Let’s support “Yours” by Jin on Japanese charts! Follow @JP_Jinfanbase for more info and @JinFunds for funds 🏔
[#JinTrend] ジンくん (Jin-kun) is trending in Japan at #6 with 12.5K tweets after the release of #FilmOutbyBTS 🇯🇵
[#JinTrend] "SINの法則" (The law of SIN) is currently trending in Japan 🇯🇵 at #19 after Jin tweets after Suga once again. #방탄소년단진 #진 #Jin #Seokjin @BTS_twt
[#JinTrend] "SINの法則" (The law of SIN) is currently trending in Japan 🇯🇵 after Jin tweets after Suga once again. #방탄소년단진 #진 #Jin #Seokjin @BTS_twt
[#JinUpdate] 200827 Kmedia article about Jin’s charismatic performance at the FNS Japan Music Festival. Jin’s line in MIC Drop 숑숑 (Shong shong) trended in Japanese (ションション) hence he got the new nickname "ションション (Shong shong) guy."
[#JinUpdate] 200811 "SINの法則" (The law of SIN) is currently trending in Japan 🇯🇵 because of the continuous saga of Jin & Suga posting right after each other. #방탄소년단진 #진 #Jin #Seokjin @BTS_twt
Moon to #1 on iTunes Japan 🇯🇵 July 23, 2020 • 9:00AM JST Hashtag: # MOONに最高のプレゼント (A gift for our Moon) If you are from Japan or know people from Japan willing to help please send a DM to @jinnieslamp, @seokjinglobal @FundsForJin or @JinChartData 🌸