For this Christmas, I made a thing. "Subtly Unsubtle Narumitsu' - Let your hot beverage reveal their innermost thoughts.
Teaser for the new doujin. Had some time tonight. #narumitsu #ナルミツ
"Look, father, it's bigger than my face!" Daddy Edgeworth must be so proud.
“I’m serious, Wright.” See, Feenie, this is what you get when you don’t listen. It’s the lockdown, work’s been put a halt, it’s the final doujin crunch time and needed a break. Maybe I’ll continue this after the doujin hmmmmmm.... #ナルミツ
Character art on the royalty AU. I might change the title looking at the current flow of the story. There's a tragedy, and things might not too "almost" either...🤔
Character Development. Round 9. I was so happy to see all those pretty narumitsus on twitter these days it made me wanna draw some narumitsus too. Ah I can’t wait to finish that doujin. Okay, okay, I’ll go back to inking. #ナルミツ
This was 5 years ago omg. One day I'll make more mag covers of them lawyers. One day.
I couldn't finish the illustration in time for narumitsu day, so here's a a snippet of a somewhat rendered Wright! 7月6日成歩堂の日ですよ!
Coming soon on the 20th Anniversary.
An old art I'm still very fond of today.
I'm also releasing an emote sets you could use on messaging platforms. Several of them are animated. Few hours more! Things are baking in the oven!