Demokrati gäller inte bara på valdagen, utan varje dag. Men vi som har privilegiet att kunna rösta har ett ansvar att göra det. När du röstar, rösta med solidaritet och empati - och tänk på andra som inte är lika lyckosamma. #RöstFörRättvisa #val2022
Swedens biggest newspaper has mapped Sweden's total CO2 emissions.
Turns out they're about 200% (!) higher than the official numbers if you don't only count domestic fossil emissions.
It's pretty hard to solve a crisis if you ignore two thirds of the problem... twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
"Care International report highlights ‘deep injustice’ neglected by world’s media, as extreme weather along with Covid wipes out decades of progress"
New documentary exposing the myths of the so-called "sustainable" Swedish forestry model. This case study is however far from unique to Sweden.
It shows how flawed the world's climate policies are in practice. moreofeverything.org
Ikväll under partiledarutfrågningen ställde Eira makthavarna till svars på ett sätt ingen har gjort under den här valrörelsen. Det är skamligt att bördan att kommunicera den obekväma sanningen dumpas på era barn. Samhället och vuxenvärlden befinner sig i total förnekelse.
“EU is far from that goal. A tracker launched in/…/2021 to monitor progress shows that, as of 15 June, the EU has planted/.../not even 1% of the three billion goal.
That means there are 2997053985 [trees] left to plant in the next seven and a half years.”
"To stay on track for global heating of no more than 1.5C, the carbon footprint of the richest 10% of Europeans must be ten times smaller by 2030, and that of the richest 1% 30 times less than now." twitter.com/Oxfam/status/1…
Many make it look as if the fashion industry is starting to take responsibility, spending fantasy amounts on campaigns portraying themselves as ”sustainable”, ”ethical”, ”green”, ”climate neutral” or ”fair”. But let’s be clear: This is almost never anything but pure greenwash.2/3
School strike week 128. Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline .
If you do physical strikes, remember to keep social distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Or could it be that they... I don't know... maybe just don't really care? And that they are doing everything in their power to maintain business-as-usual and delay real change for as long as they can get away with it?
This is very important to keep in mind when we talk about temperature anomalies. We need to see the holistic picture, the context and know what baseline we are using. As we shift baseline (like now to 1991-2020) we should also use older ones as reference. twitter.com/extremetemps/s…
“Despite climate targets threatening to render fossil fuel infrastructure as stranded assets, the world’s biggest consumers of fossil fuels, led by the US and China, are doubling down on oil pipeline expansion.”
"Right now our goal is not to reduce the emissions and halt the climate emergency, right now our goal is to continue like today. If we switched our goal to actually protecting present and future generations I am certain we can accomplish that." twitter.com/welikeduel/sta…
It's time to stop thinking fossil fuels companies will save us. The planet does not bow to denial or wishful thinking. Our policymakers and investors need to fully grasp the truth that our future does not lie in supporting dirty energy like @Total
#NoOilinVirunga #stopEACOP twitter.com/NakabuyeHildaF…
School strike week 120. Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline .
If you do physical strikes, remember to keep social distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
"For the umpteenth time the rich club has failed to deliver on its promise to channel $100bn a year to poor nations coping with a heating climate."
"The world's richest democracies have responded with a plan to make a plan."
#G7UK #MindTheGap
This is what I wrote exactly 3 years ago - August 20th 2018 - during the first day of the school strike. 3 years later I am still here, but alongside millions from all over the world.
Since the first school strike the world has emitted over 120 billion tonnes of CO2. 2/3
"The Bay du Nord project would involve building a floating platform to drill an estimated resource of 300 million barrels of light crude oil in the Atlantic Ocean"
The world speeds up towards a climate catastrophe, right after the new IPCC report.
Sweden and Finland team up with the governments of Poland and Hungary to defend burning biomass for energy in the EU.
Can’t say that I’m surprised…
"Changes will only happen if we keep pushing—if we keep being very, very annoying, and repeat these things over and over again.”
My thoughts are with the countless people affected by the disastrous aftermath of storm #ETA .
#mapa twitter.com/BBCWorld/statu…
You cannot mass produce fashion or consume ”sustainably” as the world is shaped today. That is one of the many reasons why we will need a system change.
Photo by Alexandrov Klum 3/3 voguescandinavia.com/articles/greta…
So the ”biggest line item” of Biden's climate focused $2 trillion infrastructure plan will ”fund repairs and renovations to the country’s roads, bridges and airports” with “sustainable and innovative” materials.