Yes, there are countless opportunities connected to taking real, bold climate action. But as long as we only treat it as “an opportunity” rather than the existential crisis it is we won’t get out of this mess.
We can’t solve a crisis without treating it like a crisis.
I don’t get it. Why is it seen as a success that richer countries vaccinate 10s of millions healthy young people, if that leads to further delays of vaccinating risk groups and frontline workers in other parts of the world? Surely solidarity and common sense must come first? -> twitter.com/wellcometrust/…
"Regrowth takes time the world does not have to solve climate change”
Over 500 scientists tell world leaders, to stop treating the burning of biomass as “carbon neutral”.
”You can help end this madness.”
#StopFakeRenewables wwf.eu/?uNewsID=21284…
School strike week 167. Today we’re outside @StanChart asking them to stop funding our destruction. Banks still pour fantasy amounts into fossil fuels, destabilising the planet and putting many people’s lives at risk. #FridaysForFuture #CleanUpStandardChartered #UprootTheSystem
Many new emission reduction announcements have been presented lately. Here is a sobering reminder to put things in context...
We won’t be able to “solve” this crisis without facing the full picture. #MindTheGap #FaceTheClimateEmergency #NoMoreEmptySummits
Join us on the global strike on Friday September 24th!
All over the world we will go out on the streets again, calling for world leaders to #UprootTheSystem
Find or register your local strike and read more at fridaysforfuture.org/september24
School strike week 237. Today, hundreds of thousands of people were once again climate striking all over the world, demanding an end to fossil finance! ✊✊
#TomorrowIsTooLate #FridaysForFuture
Picture from FFF Torino
Are you #ReadyToRewild ?
Today is #WorldRewildingDay
To protect, restore and rewild the living world is probably the most effective solution we have at hand to fight both the climate- and ecological emergencies.
School strike week 156. Even though it’s summer holiday we keep on protesting on Fridays.
#fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency
School strike week 135. Today is the global strike! We’re striking in shifts to avoid big crowds and keep our numbers as low as possible.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency #nomoreemptypromises
"BP is planning to drill for fossil gas on the edge of the world’s largest cold-water coral reef."
I guess this is the latest addition to the UK's "Green Industrial Revolution" and "Build Back Better" campaigns.
It looks promising so far...
#MindTheGap independent.co.uk/climate-change…
I highly recommend you to watch these 5 very educational short films on feedback loops by @climateloops
To avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis it's crucial to spread awareness and understand how these very complex and fragile systems work.
School strike week 127. Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline .
If you do physical strikes, remember to keep social distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
"at least $1.8tn of environmentally harmful subsidies is heading in the wrong direction, financing the annihilation of wildlife and global heating through support for cattle ranching, pesticide use, the overproduction of crops and fossil fuel extraction."
It simply means that you are a bit different from everyone else. And in a world where everyone strives to act, think and look the same - being different is truly something to be proud of.
Thats why I’m very proud to be autistic. 7/7
#AutisticAndProud #AspiePower #ActuallyAutistic
School strike week 211. Next Friday we take it to the streets again, before the election. We meet up at Sergels Torg at 12.30. See you there! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #SchoolStrike4Climate
24y/o Mauritian scientist and activist Shaama Sandooyea joining the global climate strike in the Indian Ocean. Latest numbers say we striked in 1086 places all over the world yesterday! #NoMoreEmptyPromises
#fridaysforfuture #climatestrike
Picture by Tommy Trenchard Gteenpeace.
”64% believe the world is in a state of climate emergency”
according to @UNDP in the largest global survey on climate ever made. 1.2 million people in 50 countries participated.
Most interesting:
”just 10 percent believe world leaders are doing enough.”
”Flash floods triggered by destructive monsoon rains across much of Pakistan have killed more than 1,000 people”
”More than 33 million people have been displaced.”
"The world is witnessing a "gold rush" for new fossil fuel projects, according to a new report"
"'If all these plans materialise they will either end up as massive stranded assets or they'll lock the world into irreversible warming,' the CAT report says."
Today on #ClimateStrike week 136 I strike outside the EU Commission’s representation in Sweden.
Ahead of our meeting with @TimmermansEU and the super trilogue we’re again asking the European Commission to #WithDrawTheCAP as it violates the Paris Agreement