People in power are now trying to act responsibly, saying lots of beautiful words. Everyone seems to forget that they are the ones responsible for putting us on a pathway towards a several degrees hotter and destabilized planet.
Sedan 2016 har statliga @sveaskog avverkat en yta stor som Öland.
"De håller på att ta allt nu, i snabb takt. Jag ser det som att vi inte har något val. Det vi gör är inte aktivism, det är en skyddshandling."
”More than 30 people have died in the Indian city of Mumbai after an intense burst of rainfall caused a landslide and wall collapse, as changing monsoon patterns due to climate change lead to more extreme rains across India.”
Here are some “positive” news after the recent extreme weather events around the world: OPEC has decided to INCREASE the production of oil, starting next month.
”Overall production will increase by 400,000 barrels per day on a monthly basis”.
In the beginning of a climate- and ecological emergency Norway’s prime minister says Norway “remains committed to oil and gas”.
#MindTheGap between words and action.
“Global greenhouse gas emissions are likely to rise to record levels in the next two years, as governments fail to ‘build back better’ from the Covid-19 pandemic.”
#MindTheGap between words and action.
Bara 1/3 av Sveriges totala CO2 utsläpp inkluderas i statistiken och i våra klimatmål. Hur ska vi kunna lösa - eller ens diskutera - en kris som vi ignorerar 2/3 av?
Oerhört hoppfullt att det här äntligen granskas och kommuniceras!
School strike week 153. Today I’m joining the climate strike in Sundsvall. Even though it’s summer holiday we keep on protesting on Fridays.
#fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Since the Paris Agreement was signed 5 yrs ago, G20 states have subsidised fossil fuels by more than 3.3 trillion dollars.
Only *2%* of their financial support after the pandemic has gone to clean energy transitions.
#MindTheGap between words and action.
”More than 1.14 million people are food-insecure as severe droughts push communities to the brink of starvation.
Madagascar famine becomes first in history to be caused solely by climate crisis.”
Belgium floods *again*... twitter.com/MeteoExpress/s…
This is outrageous. We need to speak up about this, this cannot go unnoticed. We demand justice for Joanna Stutchbury. #DefendTheDefenders twitter.com/Fridays4future…
According to New York Times; “84 percent of shots that have gone into arms worldwide have been administered in high- and upper-middle-income countries. Only 0.3 percent of doses have been administered in low-income countries.” 2/3
No one is safe until everyone is safe. But when you get offered a vaccine, don’t hesitate. It saves lives. #VaccineEquity #VaccineForAll
Less than one third (!) of Sweden’s total CO2 emissions are included in our climate targets, and we’re not even close to reaching those targets…
How can we solve - or even discuss - a crisis if we ignore more than two thirds of the problem?
This is very hopeful and groundbreaking journalism. I urge journalists in countries around the world to do the same research. This is a problem far from unique to so-called “progressive“ countries like Sweden… This is a crucial first step to start addressing the crisis.
“There is growing evidence we are getting close to or have already gone beyond tipping points associated with important parts of the Earth system".
Today is #WorldOvershootDay - the day when we've used up the world's resources for 2021.
On national levels this date varies a lot. In my country Sweden it occurs on April 6th. We're not just stealing the future - we're also stealing the present from other parts of the world.
The “Science” Museum just killed irony (and their own reputation). twitter.com/Channel4News/s…
School strike week 154. Even though it’s summer holiday we keep on protesting on Fridays.
#fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Om vi behövde mer bevis för att klimatkrisen helt ignoreras; när ökade extrema väderhändelser avlöser varandra så granskas Sveriges "klimatmål". De visar sig vara vetenskapligt helt otillräckliga, fulla av kryphål & bara 1/3 av våra utsläpp inkluderas. 1/n
Inte en enda medieplattform tar upp nyheten, inte ens en notis. Ingen debatt följer.
Hur ska vi kunna "lösa" klimatkrisen eller ens diskutera den om sånt här helt ignoreras?
Detta var nog det slutliga beviset på att medias "intresse" bara är tomma ord. Vi bara låtsas bry oss. 2/n