Greta Thunberg(@GretaThunberg)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

"Sverige missar alla mål om biologisk mångfald." Synd att tomma ord och reklamkampanjer inte räknas - då hade vi legat i världstopp. #BiodiversityDay…
Yes, we are all responsible for the climate- and biodiversity emergency. We - the 99,9% - have a responsibility to put pressure on the 0,1% in charge who refuse to stop the ongoing destruction of present and future living conditions for life on earth. #MindTheGap #BiodiversityDay
”Our relationship with nature is broken. But relationships can change. When we protect nature - we are nature protecting itself.” Thank you @MercyForAnimals for sponsoring this film by @tommustill and me. #ForNature #BiodiversityDay
A film by Tom Mustill @tommustill  Music by George FitzGerald @georgefitzmusic Editor Bram De Jonghe. Thanks to Coppershell Farm Sanctuary @Coppershellfarm. Producer Evie Wright @eviewright Sponsored by @MercyForAnimals A Gripping Films Production
Thousands of people marching for the climate in Denmark today. #FaceTheClimateEmergency #MindTheGap…
"Tillsammans med den finska premiärministern skickade Stefan Löfven krav till von der Leyen, bland annat om att ta bort alla referenser till så kallat ”naturnära skogsbruk”." "Föregångsländerna" Sverige och Finland lobbar för lägre krav på skogsbruk i EU.…
"The climate- ecological- and health crisis are all interlinked. But we no longer see the links between them. I would like to connect the dots. Because let's face it - if we don't change, we are f*cked." #ForNature @MercyForAnimals @tommustill
Our leaders say we need to stop deforestation, restore nature and plant trees to save the climate and biodiversity. Yet, basically everywhere they're doing the exact opposite. And - since the general level of awareness is almost nonexistent - they keep speeding up the process...…
"Det spelar ingen roll för klimatet om kändisar t.ex slutar flyga." Med samma logik har det inte heller effekt på pandemin att kändisar ska #kavlaupp . Det stämmer förstås inte. Vi är sociala djur och härmar andras beteende - särskilt dem vi ser upp till.…
Reality puts the tech discussion into perspective. Of course we can't do this without technology. But, needless to say, it will not be the whole solution. #MindTheGap…
Interesting that this also includes the emissions from burning the petrol they sell. Reminder: the idea of cutting CO2 emissions 50% by 2030 is based on an IPCC CO2 budget which gives us 50% chance to stay below 1,5° excluding most feedbacks, tipping points, aspect of equity etc.…
So to summarize, very insufficient to stay below 1,5°C for an oil company if you look at the full picture, but still a very interesting start that could have a big snowball effect. Hello stranded assets...
"That includes emissions from its own operations and from the energy products it sells." THIS detail is what makes this a game changer. Imagine what this could mean for oil producing/exporting nations like USA, Saudi Arabia, UK, Qatar, Canada and Norway... Hello stranded assets!…
Shell say they will appeal the ruling because they “invest so much money in low carbon energy”. Of course they are true climate heroes. Perhaps that’s why they repeatedly refused me and @bbcstudios an interview...
"Biden Administration defends massive Alaska oil drilling project set to produce 590 million barrels of oil over 30 years." This kind of puts quotes like "Listen to the science" and "Science is back" in a slightly different light... #MindTheGap…
This is a huge win for the whole climate movement. A big congratulations to the brave Australian teenagers who have achieved this. Of course the action needed is still nowhere in sight, but these court cases are symbolic breaking points that could have huge snowball effects.…
School strike week 145. This is starting to get a bit repetitive... #MindTheGap #climatestrikeonline #fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency
It's time to stop thinking fossil fuels companies will save us. The planet does not bow to denial or wishful thinking. Our policymakers and investors need to fully grasp the truth that our future does not lie in supporting dirty energy like @Total #NoOilinVirunga #stopEACOP…
"There's a perspective that humans did this damage and it's our job to fix it ... Another view is that forest restoration is fundamentally natural, and that humans can assist it, but ultimately it should be governed by natural processes."…
"It (the IEA report) is a sequel of the La La Land movie. Why should I take it seriously?" says the Saudi Energy Minister. Wow. We're clearly witnessing the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era. They're starting to panic. Let's speed up the process.…
Happy #Pride month every month of every year!
"The unspoken subtext of this year’s Cop26 climate conference is clear to the young: that we, the suit-wearing, SUV-driving generation, will do our best within the limits of what big business can tolerate, and what elderly voters will accept." #MindTheGap…
If future generations ask me how it was possible that we sacrificed future and present living conditions for humanity and life on earth as we know it, I will show them this article. It really sums it up. Completely in the wrong way, but still. #MindTheGap…