"Atmospheric levels of all three greenhouse gases hit record high"
"These are respectively 149%, 262% and 124% of pre-industrial levels."
Årets mottagare av Svenska Greenwashpriset 2022 är den påkostade och missvisande PR-kampanjen Svenska Skogen, nominerad och framröstad av allmänheten.
Väldigt få svenska aktörer förtjänar detta pris lika mycket som ni, stort grattis!
We stand in solidarity with prisoners of conscience in Egypt & joined @copcivicspace petition urging Egypt to open civic space and release everyone arbitrarily detained ahead of #COP27
Sign the petition urging @AlsisiOfficial @COP27P to #FreeThemAll
We should abandon the illusion that politicians will come to the rescue of planet Earth, especially those who delight in calling themselves climate leaders. Time and again they have betrayed the faith that has been placed in them.
I write in @NewStatesman
I have put together a book with over 100 contributors that will share expertise and experiences from people all over the world. These crises are the biggest story in the world, and they must be spoken as far and wide as our voices can carry, and much further still.
"Earth’s wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 69% in just under 50 years, according to a leading scientific assessment, as humans continue to clear forests, consume beyond the limits of the planet and pollute on an industrial scale."
Today as always, it’s important to watch out for those who only listen to the uncomfortable truth when it fits in their agenda. To tackle this crisis, cherry picking some aspects, taking things out of context and ignoring the rest will lead us nowhere. It only fuels culture wars.
“We are approaching a precipice. And I would strongly suggest that those of us who have not yet been greenwashed out of our senses stand our ground. Do not let them drag us another inch closer to the edge. Right here, right now, is where we draw the line.”
“Despite Egypt being called an African Cop, we’re having a very serious challenge and many countries most affected by the climate crisis won’t be represented.”
“Indigenous lives matter. If Coca-Cola is going, our voices have to be heard."
The fact that the responsibility to ”fix” this falls on people who constantly cheat and sweep things under the carpet in order to benefit themselves is frightening beyond comprehension. But even more scary is the fact that media completely ignores it, letting them get away. 4/4
This means that the situation is much worse, and that we are heading for a hotter and more destabilised world than we thought. If this happened to almost any other issue, it would be breaking news and pretty much everyone would know it. But now, it is barely even reported. 3/4
These findings agrees with the major survey by the Washington post last year, showing that our emissions are underreported by up to 23%. 2/4
Scientists estimate that our actual greenhouse gas emissions can be up to 20-30% higher than what we report. Future climate scenarios and the necessary emissions reductions are calculated based on the reported emissions. 1/4
Demonstration 1a Oktober kl 13 på Medborgarplatsen.
Vi kan inte vara neutrala när politiken sätter liv på spel. Makthavare sparkar neråt, marginaliserade grupper görs till syndabockar. Gör motstånd. Stå upp för antifascism, antirasism och klimaträttvisa.
“Despite climate targets threatening to render fossil fuel infrastructure as stranded assets, the world’s biggest consumers of fossil fuels, led by the US and China, are doubling down on oil pipeline expansion.”
Idag blir jag stolt ny ambassadör för @MinStoraDag som uppfyller önskningar och ger livsviktig glädje till barn med allvarliga sjukdomar och diagnoser. Det betyder väldigt mycket eftersom det är avgörande att bry sig om den kamp som många barn utkämpar varje dag i det tysta.
"Oxfam examined 10 of the world’s worst climate hotspots, afflicted by drought, floods, severe storms and other extreme weather, and found their rates of extreme hunger had more than doubled in the past six years."
Att stå upp för alla människors lika värde är inte att hata eller att polarisera. Att stå upp mot dem som motarbetar alla människors lika värde är inte att hata eller polarisera. Vägra normalisera det som händer nu i Sverige. Vägra normalisera hat, hot, lögner och fascism.