Greta Thunberg(@GretaThunberg)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

To be crystal clear: I am not “against” Israel or Palestine. Needless to say I’m against any form of violence or oppression from anyone or any part. And again - it is devastating to follow the developments in Israel and Palestine.
Amazing work by @Fridays4future activists showing @StanChart how it’s done. It’s time for Standard Chartered to actually be #HereForGood and end their investments into the coal industry. #CleanUpStandardChartered #RaiseYourStandards…
Could this be true?… Are @StanChart really saying they will end all financing to any coal-fired power plant across the globe by 2021? Let’s watch their press conference to remind them to #RaiseYourStandards #CleanUpStandardChartered
Great news for wind and solar!…
Devastating to follow the developments in Jerusalem and Gaza... #SaveSheikhJarrah…
We stand in solidarity with the people of Colombia. The human rights violations must come to an end.…
”Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” Well, I don’t know about you but I don’t consider ”climate targets” putting us on track for 2,4°C and current policies indicating we’re headed for 2,9°C (excluding most tipping points, feedback-loops etc) to be ”good”. #MindTheGap
And please note, these figures are global and don't include the aspect of equity. High income nations have promised to lead the way and must do more to compensate for historic emissions. #ClimateJustice
The planetary boundaries have been defined. Decades of negotiations, science and diplomacy led to the ParisAgreement. The compromises have been made. #MindTheGap…
As CO2 emissions stay in the atmosphere up to 1000years we of course need to look at historic emissions and in context to population and emissions per capita. And developed nation must lead so others can raise their living standards. As I say all the time.
"Another variant is when we create and foster a sick economy which allows a very rich few to own more than the rest of humanity and models of production and consumption destroy the planet, our common home. These things are interconnected." @Pontifex calls out vaccine inequity.…
Many new emission reduction announcements have been presented lately. Here is a sobering reminder to put things in context... We won’t be able to “solve” this crisis without facing the full picture. #MindTheGap #FaceTheClimateEmergency #NoMoreEmptySummits
Yes, China is still categorized as a developing nation by WTO, they manufacture a lot of our products and so on. But that's of course no excuse for ruining future and present living conditions. We can't solve the climate crisis unless China drastically changes course. #MindTheGap…
”Greta Thunberg - A Year To Change The World” is now streaming on Hulu (US), BBC iPlayer (UK), ABC iview (AUS) and many more soon TBA. And tonight the series premieres on SVT at klockan åtta på tvåan. Finns på SVTplay också!
"Goodbye climate deniers, hello – and you’ll pardon me for being blunt here – climate bullshitters." A nice collection of some "case-study bullshit". And keep in mind - Damian is very kind and generous here...…
"Över 200.000 ton träpellets ska brännas varje år i Vattenfalls planerade kraftverk i nederländska Diemen. Satsningen är en del i bolagets omställning till fossilfritt – men riskerar i stället att leda till ökade utsläpp av koldioxid."…
*phase-out-dates of course
To surrender the aspect of equity based on historic emissions and climate justice for low- and middle income countries in order to create goals and targets that high income nations consider to be “politically possible” is not just immoral - it violates the Paris agreement. 2/n
We can’t call for climate justice while advocating for policies and face-out-dates based on targets that exclude aspect of equity and historic emissions. The first step towards climate justice must be to include ALL (especially) high income nations emissions in the targets. 1/n
Global average per capita CO2 emissions for - Top 1% income earner: 74 tonnes - Bottom 50% income earner: 0.69 tonnes #GapReport #Unep #Oxfam
Our so-called “role models”indeed have some work to do. Pretty hard to “solve” the climate crisis without addressing this elephant in the room... #MindTheGap #ClimateJustice
Missa inte Världens viktigaste kväll kl 20.00 i TV4! I år är den viktigare än någonsin. Bli världsförälder eller höj ditt belopp på @unicefsverige #världenskväll
Tomorrow @Ahl_Alexander_ @AldeFermskog @AntonFoley4 and I will have a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven to discuss the climate- and ecological emergency.
Nu finns hela BBC serien ”Greta: Lyssna Inte På Mig!” på svtplay. Avsnitt 1 sänds på torsdag 6/5 20.00 på SVT2. @bbcstudios @svtdokumentar