Jackson Wang Global(@JacksonWGlobal)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Drop the tags and phrase now! #JacksonWorlds2022 #MAGICMAN Jackson debut performance of Fire to the Fuse Livestream: 🔗youtu.be/Ous5uCg97Uk 🔗lolesports.com
[WEIBO] 230120 新浪娱乐 Behind the scenes of #JacksonWang's Armani Prive Santal Dan Sha photoshoot 🎬 #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852
[YOUTUBE] 220810 @KINJAZ KINJAZ PODKAST S2 EP 24 | with Jackson Wang 🔮🖤 youtu.be/gNrbpqZsBHA #MAGICMAN #Cruel #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852
[XHS] 221218 三鲤 "Here's the pov you guys want! The lucky girl's friend sent it to me (with permission from the lucky girl)…" xhslink.com/Y9NKZl #JacksonWangWorldTourinKL #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852
[INSTA] 220528 📸 hkfusion.official shared picture taken with Jackson #JACKSON #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852 @teamwangofcl
[YOUTUBE] 220729 Jackson Wang Reads Thirst Tweets on @BuzzFeedCeleb youtu.be/Wn4klZcwxqo #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852
[#JACKSTAGRAM] 220415 Jackson adds @88rising’s “Head in the Clouds Forever, live from the desert Coachella 2022” video to his IG story!❤️‍🔥 #JacksonGoingToCoachella #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852 @teamwangofcl
[NOTICE] @JacksonWang852 will be flying to Thailand soon to begin his #MAGICMANWorldTour! Join us in trending the phrase & hashtag below later tonight for his arrival🙏 📝 Welcome Jackson to Thailand #️⃣ SawasdeekaPJACK #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG #MAGICMAN
[#JSYOUTUBE] 220729 “This is "Cruel" guys, i hope you all like what I delivered here! … All the ones supporting me and showing love, I hope my work can make you all proud and make it worth it for you all.” 🎬youtu.be/Rhy7_Y15FrI #MAGICMAN @JacksonWang852 #JacksonWangCruel
[INSTA] 221213 hypothetical_monkey  “Always fun to shoot with a Bolt. Even more fun when we’re getting zero latency on the led wall via some of the big brains behind camera…” #MAGICMAN 🔗 instagram.com/reel/CmHMZGfpW… #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852
[INSTA] 230209 v1nh  Vinh Nguyen X #JacksonWang Collab class Haven’t been able to teach as much in 2022…but that’ll change this year. Excited to share with y’all again SOON. Malaysia, you were amazing.🙏 Terima kasih Official Tour Choreography:🙋🏻‍♂️ “Drive it Like You Stole it”
[XHS] 230227 熬夜吃辣皮肤好 #JacksonWang at the MACOLOR RUNWAY show #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852
[INTERVIEW] 220504 @JacksonWang852 on @KellyClarksonTV! “Jackson Wang Says New Album '#MAGICMAN' Is All About Finding 'The New Me’” Watch & like/comment: youtu.be/8lICWiyfQrs #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG
[INSTA] 220728 amy_klinpratoom “…what a pleasure meeting you and having the opportunity to interview you, thanks for everything ... you definitely left footprints in my heart 💗 huge fan @JacksonWang852youtu.be/dtR_xJ85B1E #JacksonWang #TEAMWANG
[WEIBO] 221214 亚洲流行音乐大奖 @APMAHK #JacksonWang is nominated in 4 categories for the 2022 Asian Pop Music Awards!👏🥰 1. Best Album of the Year - #MAGICMAN 2. Best Male Artist - MAGIC MAN 3. Best MV - Cruel 4. Record of the Year - Blow Congrats @JacksonWang852!🎊 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[WEIBO] 220815 Laurie洛艺 @teamwangofcl family 🌊 #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852
🎯700 requests for the 3rd hour of MRL! Keep requesting in the replies Copy & add pic or emoji to prevent spam: Would like to request my fav song #Blue by @JacksonWang852 for #MostRequestedLive @MostRequestLive @OnAirRomeo, thanks😚 Request as much as possible from 7PM-12AM
[WEIBO] 220920 @billboard #JacksonWang's 1st physical album #MAGICMAN debuts at #15 on Billboard 200, becoming the first Chinese artist to enter top 20 on the chart. The album also ranks 3rd on Top Album Sales this week and he also ranks #13 on Billboard Artist 100. #王嘉尔
[NOTICE] #JacksonWang’s #MAGICMAN tour starts tonight 25 Nov in Thailand! Let’s trend JACKSON WANG WORLD TOUR #️⃣JacksonWangWorldTour #️⃣MAGICMANWorldTour #️⃣JacksonWangWorldTourInBKK_DAY1 At 🕡6:30PM BKK time 🕡6:30AM EST 🕢7:30PM Beijing time #王嘉尔 #잭슨 @JacksonWang852 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[INSTA] 220715 victorseah_indochina “Great evening with #NescafeGoldCremaXJacksonWang Huge thanks to all the amazing fans & fan clubs that turned up in thousands … and of course @JacksonWang852!” #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG #JACKSON
[INSTA] 220720 nonkul “😂 the camera focus only him lol @JacksonWang852#JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG #TEAMWANGdesign
[WEIBO] 220409 浙江卫视为歌而赞 Tonight 20:30 Beijing Time, stay tuned to Zhejiang TV or Douyin for Jackson's performance of #王嘉尔JacksonWang on Praise The Program! 📺 m.678iptv.com/iptv.php?act=p… 📺 Search 为歌而赞 on Douyin #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @teamwangofcl