[📢] Fanplus OCTOBER Birthday + Debut Fan Vote Vote for JONGHO until SEPTEMBER 3 (5PM KST) Goal: 10M Votes / enter TOP 3 🗳 p7m9w.app.goo.gl/jBMR1CFpfoQfyb… Invite Code: #823f4a53 #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #종호 #JONGHO @ATEEZofficial
[ 220806 | Pre-Vote Rank 10PM KST ] —THE SHOW #1 🗳 api.starpass.co.kr/web/applink.do… —SHOW CHAMPION #1 🗳 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… —MCOUNTDOWN #3 🗳 mnetplus.world/community/vote… * Maximize your votes today before the reset * #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
We are not nominated for Music Core. While waiting for ATEEZ stage let's focus now on other votings (The Show, Show Champion, MCountdown) and keep on streaming Guerrilla in all important platforms. #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
Guerrilla MV hits 20M views but it doesn't mean we will stop. We need to continue to stream as the views is one of the most important when it comes to music shows and awards. Keep it up ATINY #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[🎉] ATEEZ(에이티즈) - ‘Guerrilla’ Official MV — 20,000,000 Views on Youtube 🔥 ⠀ ▶️ youtu.be/2HcVZm_4qAI#ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] Music Core today. Make sure to get your 150 beats in all your mubeat accounts ready for the live voting just in case ATEEZ got nominated to win #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] Come on ATINY, 50K views left to 20M views for GUERRILLA MV. Let's pick up the pace and reach it soon as we can. ▶️ youtu.be/2HcVZm_4qAI #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] ATINY, we are less than 100K views away for Guerrilla MV to hit 20M views on Youtube. Let's reach it as soon as we can. Make sure to stream the right way. Keep it up ▶️ youtu.be/2HcVZm_4qAI #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[ ATINY TO DO LIST ] — VOTE 🗳 The Show - Star Planet 🗳 Show Champion promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… 🗳 MCD mnetplus.world/community/vote… — STREAM Youtube: youtu.be/2HcVZm_4qAI Other Platforms: Bugs/Spotify/Apple Music etc. #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] MCountdown Pre-Vote Vote for GUERRILLA until AUGUST 8 (11:59 PM KST) * Maximize your votes daily * 🗳 MCOUNTDOWN: mnetplus.world/community/vote… #MOVEMENT #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] THE SHOW Early Vote | Show Champion Pre-Vote Vote for GUERRILLA until AUGUST 8 (2PM KST) * Maximize your votes daily * 🗳 THE SHOW: Starplanet 🗳 SHOW CHAMPION: Idol Champ App 🔗 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial