[#TGTrans] 191210 IG #TWICETAGRAM Story Update "I hope ONCE will have a comfortable night after working hard today...🌙 You're doing well and tomorrow, just do what you've been doing. You don't need to have too many worries, ok?💜 You've worked hard today too " #트와이스 #TWICE
[#TGTrans] TWICE "Heart Shaker" M/V ⭐300MILLION VIEWS⭐ ONCE's heart today is also going pit-a-pat! We can't help it, because we've fallen for Heart Shaker Teudoongies💘 #TWICE #트와이스 #HeartShaker twitter.com/JYPETWICE/stat…
[#TGTrans] TWICE's "FANCY" and "Feel Special" was listed on VIBE's "2019 Top Songs" and "2019:This Year's K-pop" playlist. "YES or YES" was also the most recommended song on VIBE's AI-recommended "MIXTAPE" playlist m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=… vibe.naver.com/2019VIBE #TWICE #트와이스